Use "navies" in a sentence

1. Navies can conquer poorly guarded coastal cities by themselves.

2. In modern navies, squadrons have tended to become administrative units.

3. The Royal navies of the world wear almost identical uniforms.


5. The North Korean and South Korean navies regularly patrol the area around the NLL.

6. It served in eight navies, including the Imperial Japanese Navy, which built them under licence.

7. While discussion continued, there were opportunities to compare with newly commissioned cruisers of other navies.

8. The American and Japanese navies took the lead in the development of naval aviation.

9. There is a need to enhance the cooperation and coordination among navies operating in the Gulf of Aden.

10. Later, he was sent to Europe and the United States to study the navies of the Western powers.

11. He supervised Berthing requirements for 400 US Navy Ships and 50 ships of various foreign Navies

12. The British, German, Indian, Russian, Swedish, United States and possibly other navies communicate with submarines on these frequencies.

13. Subsidiary Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems also manufactures frigates, corvettes and submarines for the German and foreign navies.

14. * They endorsed the continuation of joint military exercises and training between their Armies, Air Forces and Navies.

15. Such mutual confidence is essential today, when there is such a rapid accretion of strength of several regional navies.

16. In many navies, vice admiral is a three-star rank with a NATO code of OF-8, although in some navies like the French Navy it is an OF-7 rank, the OF-8 code corresponding to the four-star rank of squadron vice-admiral.

17. The military Blunderbuss was produced for the British and would have seen service with armies, navies, and

18. The Majestics provided the model for battleship building in the Royal Navy and many other navies for years to come.

19. And our Navies are cooperating to combat piracy, patrol the sea lanes and protect the freedom of navigation.

20. In 1990 Cardoen of Chile was granted a licence to manufacture Tigerfish for the Chilean, Brazilian and Venezuelan navies.

21. To this end, the Navies and maritime agencies of the world need to work together, and engineer virtuous cycles of cooperation.

22. The Concordat served both the Taurian Concordat and Magistracy of Canopus navies well throughout the 26th century; meant to …

23. On 10 November 2009, the waters near the island were the scene of a skirmish between the South Korean and North Korean navies.

24. Known as Asdic (Admiralty’s Anti-Submarine Division) in British and Commonwealth navies until the 1950s and the most important underwater detection device since the interwar period.

25. The Cooperation of navies from around the world promises high tactical value for the ships, aircraft, and divers involved; while demonstrating international resolve in …

26. They have claimed that the use of these areas by submarines of the British, French and Russian navies has increased the risk of accidental collision.

27. France, upon her return, was ordered, along with her three sister ships, to serve in the Mediterranean Sea against the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Navies.

28. In the following decades most of the Battleships of the major powers were scrapped, “mothballed” (stripped down and placed in storage), or sold to lesser navies

29. In practice, the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) are very well equipped and the maritime forces are considered to be stronger than the navies of some of Japan's neighbors.

30. ‘The second Netherlands submarine, K.XI, arrived in Fremantle on March 22, 1945 after spending most of the war as an Asdic training submarine for the British and Indian navies.’

31. Other major navies retained mixed coal-and-oil firing until the end of World War I. Dreadnoughts developed as a move in an international battleship arms-race which had begun in the 1890s.

32. Admiral is one of the highest ranks in some navies, and in many navies is the highest rank.In the Commonwealth nations and the United States, a "full" admiral is equivalent to a "full" general in the army, and is above vice admiral and below admiral of the fleet, or fleet admiral.In NATO, Admirals have a rank code of OF-9 as a four-star rank.

33. As a result, some navies adopted 'dual-firing' boilers which could use coal sprayed with oil; British ships so equipped, which included dreadnoughts, could even use oil alone at up to 60% power.

34. He began to serve as a privateer in the Ottoman Navy as a youth and after many years of fighting against Spanish, Genoese and Venetian navies, he rose to the rank of Reis (Admiral).

35. In the armed forces, particularly in all the navies throughout the world, every seaman understands one phrase that is a clarion call for immediate help, no matter what he is doing or where he is on the ship.

36. While the 28.3 cm guns were of a smaller caliber than main guns of other navies, they were still preferred by a number of gunnery officers in the Kriegsmarine due to their higher rate of fire.

37. In contrast to the chaotic development of ironclad warships in preceding decades, the 1890s saw navies worldwide start to build battleships to a common design as dozens of ships essentially followed the design of the British Majestic class.

38. ‘At sea, Cutlasses became common issue in the 18th century for most navies and officers were equipped with swords and dirks in much the same way as their military counterparts.’ ‘They use pikes and heavy Cutlasses in a practical, serious manner.’