Use "national front" in a sentence

1. The extreme right-wing National Front promoted anti-semitism.

2. The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.

3. Dubček, the party Presidium, the National Front, and the cabinet denounced this manifesto.

4. 5 The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.

5. In 1995, she married Franck Chauffroy, a business executive who worked for the National Front.

6. Land reform was popular and the National Front politicians, what remained of them, could hardly impose it.

7. Prior to 1975, her relatives were active in the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam.

8. The anti-conspiratorial rhetoric of the Vanguard argument has its place in the general National Front argument about tactics.

9. During the French occupation he took an active part in the French Resistance as a member of the National Front.

10. 23 The anti-conspiratorial rhetoric of the Vanguard argument has its place in the general National Front argument about tactics.

11. First, the basic assumptions of such ideas in altered form were later developed into the ideology of the National Front.

12. 2 Leaders of the parties allied with Janata Dal in the ruling National Front coalition expressed their agreement with the action.

13. This has been reflected in the attitude of the National Front towards new commonwealth citizens in the United Kingdom in recent times.

14. After her divorce from Chauffroy in 2000, she married Eric Lorio in 2002, the former national secretary of the National Front and a former adviser to the Regional election in Nord-Pas-de-Calais.

15. Bn: Britten-Norman (aircraft manufacturer; UK) Bn: Bibliothèque Nationale (French: National Library) Bn: Bureau of Narcotics: Bn: Business Number (Canada) Bn: Benevento, Campania (Italian province) Bn: Barisan National (National Front, Malaysia) Bn: Bangladesh Navy: Bn: Bombardier/Navigator: Bn: Banaadir (postal region, Somalia) Bn: Ballistic