Use "narcosis" in a sentence

1. It's nitrogen narcosis.

2. The most unmistakable insights were gained by operations with an open system of narcosis (intratracheal insufflation narcosis) without local anaesthesia and without curare narcosis.

3. So this one, we decided to give the name Centropyge narcosis to.

4. Helium's a gas; there're a lot of reasons why helium's good, it's a tiny molecule, it's inert, it doesn't give you narcosis.

5. The placental diffusion and fetal elimination of propanidid (Sombrevin) and hexobarbituralnatrium Adhibited for the introduction of narcosis in cases of prematures requiring caesarean section is studied by virtue of maternal, umbilical cord, and new-born blood samples

6. For mice with genetically determined adiposis and fatty liver, the concentration of the narcosis in the fatty-tissue of the liver was approximately four times greater than that found in the livers of normal experimental animals treated underthe same conditions.