Use "mystified" in a sentence

1. They shook their heads, mystified.

2. Mystified, they ran the simulation again.

3. I was mystified by her decision.

4. The magician's tricks mystified the audience.

5. She was mystified by my apparent sang-froid.

6. Most Americans seem totally mystified by cricket.

7. She was genuinely mystified by her success.

8. Something they can understand and not be mystified by.

9. She was mystified by the refusal by councillors.

10. That's how it seemed to the mystified outsider.

11. Her disappearance has mystified her friends and neighbors.

12. There was something strange in her attitude which mystified me.

13. I'm mystified; I just can't see how he did it.

14. Mystified, a satyr wanted to know what he was doing.

15. What does Bewildered mean? Baffled, confused, mystified, at a loss, or uncertain

16. I'm mystified ; I just cannot see how he did it.

17. The audience must have been totally mystified by the plot.

18. But at other times they seem completely mystified by how to do so.

19. I'm completely mystified about what happened in the hotel the other day.

20. He mystified us all by pouring his drink out of the window.

21. Jody misreads his caution for negativity and is mystified by his attitude.

22. And the relevance of Northern Ireland to the subversion of democracy in Britain remains mystified.

23. We shall never know, and James Tomlinson remains mystified by his unique experience.

24. Where those crippling deformities came from mystified generation after generation of parents and doctors.

25. Totally mystified by his experience, he crept back to the booking hall and tried to sleep.

26. They seemed mystified by questions that they or their program might be treated differently than the boys.

27. What mystified her was how any firm could employ such a gorgon to promote their products.

28. Both Benjamin and I were lost in our own thoughts and I was mystified by Agrippa's revelations.

29. What mystified her was how any firm could employ such a gorgon to promote their products.

30. Detective Oakley was mystified. He had never seen such a strange set of evidence in the whole of his career.

31. When in the nineteenth century naturalists first examined it, they were mystified as to how any animal could feed on it.

32. Beside him walked Zu-tag, the great ape, and behind them strung the surviving Anthropoids followed by Fraulein Bertha Kircher and Lieutenant Harold Percy Smith-Oldwick, the latter a thoroughly astonished and mystified Englishman.