Use "mycoses" in a sentence

1. Ascomycetes include parasites of higher plants and the causative agents of mycoses in animals and humans.

2. Composition for the treatment of vulvovaginitis and other cutaneous mycoses, comprising bergamot and boric acid in appropriate percentages.

3. The term 'Antifungals' encompasses all chemical compounds, pharmacologic agents, and natural products used to treat mycoses

4. Amphotericin B, an effective but relatively toxic drug, has long been the mainstay of Antifungal therapy for invasive and serious mycoses

5. Triazole Antifungals are active to treat an array of fungal pathogens, whereas imidazoles are used almost exclusively in the treatment of superficial mycoses and vaginal candidiasis

6. Among rare mycoses there were found in the Turkey scattered cases of histoplasmosis (H. capsulatum), sporotrichosis (Sp. schenckii), rhinosporidiosis (Rhinosporidium seeberi), madura foot, actinomycosis as well as aspergillosis (A. fumigatusFres.).

7. Amphotericin B Amphotericin B has been the mainstay of antifungal therapy for invasive and serious mycoses, but other Antifungals (eg, fluconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, the echinocandins) are now considered first-line drugs for many of these infections.

8. Antifungals are a class of medications that destroy or inhibit the growth of fungal organisms and are, accordingly, used to treat fungal infections (mycoses) such as candidiasis, cryptococcal disease, aspergillosis, and dermatophytosis.They are divided into three major groups according to chemical structure and spectrum of efficacy: polyenes (used for the treatment of systemic …