Use "my turn" in a sentence

1. Alright, it's my turn.

2. It's my turn to recite.

3. It's my turn to bat.

4. 4 It's my turn to bat.

5. It's my turn to do it.

6. 7 It's my turn to throw.

7. Is it my turn to shuffle?

8. 1 It's my turn to do it.

9. It was my turn To save one.

10. It's my turn. Don't try to sidetrack.

11. I think it's my turn to choose now.

12. It's my turn. Don't try to sidetrack me.

13. So now it's my turn, and that's why I'm here.

14. This time it was my turn to be pop-eyed!

15. For nearly two hours, I waited my turn at the barbershop.

16. I move my finger one inch... to use my turn signal.

17. My turn to die had come and I had been inexplicably reprieved.

18. I think it is my turn to apologize to you about the other morning.

19. Now it was my turn to be silent, and to look about the room.

20. If it was my turn to do the dishes, I would usually lie down.

21. When my turn comes I condense my spiel and show my three-by-five card.

22. Since I played the accordion, when it was my turn I struck up a popular waltz.

23. "Dammit Jason! Stop Bogarting my X-Box controller! It's my turn to play Halo!" bogart

24. 19 I, in my turn, became embarrassed and huffy and told her to take the money back.

25. 1 I, in my turn, became embarrassed and huffy and told her to take the money back.

26. 3 Come on, fair dos you've had a long go on the computer and now it's my turn.

27. When my turn for questioning came, I was aghast to hear the officials recounting confidential details about our work.

28. “When they entered the Kingdom Hall, it was my turn to shed some tears,” he says with a smile.

29. My Turn is where Californians can find out if you are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination, schedule Appointments, and sign up for notifications

30. We nodded and half-smiled, and then it was my turn to talk about my journey to a dining table in the hygienic community area of the mental health wing of a mountain-town hospital.