Use "murderers" in a sentence

1. Murderers are never murderers 24 hours a day.

2. The murderers, thieves, rapists.

3. Murderers shall not live.

4. I despise murderers.

5. Some gang of cutthroats and murderers.

6. So few murderers are caught.

7. And the Catholic murderers must be hanged.

8. Defending murderers and thieves would appall them.

9. Guns, murderers, and crooked cops?

10. You used to treat murderers as beasts.

11. An army of murderers and raiders.

12. Murderers, robbers, rapists, dealers, pedophiles, and the Mob.

13. 10 Absolutely Strange Ways Brutal Murderers Got Caught Share

14. His murderers were never brought to justice."

15. He doesn't strike soldiers and high-ranking murderers like Walden.

16. Should we categorise people who intentionally spread HI as murderers?

17. Murderers and drug dealers are the dregs of society.

18. Hollywood films misrepresented us as drunks, maniacs and murderers.

19. What purpose would it serve them to be more efficient murderers?

20. In Mexico a nun can travel safely among murderers and thieves.

21. Gomorrah, or belike, one of the missing murderers from Sodom. "

22. Not enough of that going around for murderers either.

23. I've seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers.

24. 25 Hollywood films misrepresented us as drunks,[] maniacs and murderers.

25. Let one of those same murderers be convictedand Awaithis doom

26. It's easier to change the crime scene than to seek the murderers.

27. 12 He argues that murderers forfeit their own right to life.

28. Jehovah will eliminate evildoers, such as robbers, murderers, and sex perverts.

29. They may be ruthless, vicious murderers and rapists, but they've taste enough to ignore you.

30. It is time to indict, try and convict the murderers of Feb.

31. But I can't understand why you would let the murderers of that boy walk free.

32. The murderer in the movie imitated other famous murderers, so he was copycat killer.

33. This prison is the home to murderers, rapists and violent offenders of every kind.

34. You think capote got national acclaim for " in cold blood " by judging the murderers?

35. Although it’s commonly believed multiple murderers only stop when they’re Caught or die, that’s simply not true

36. Synonyms for Bravoes include assassins, hitmen, killers, murderers, desperados, butchers, thugs, slayers, homicides and executioners

37. Sharia states that the killers of Apostates and adulterers are not to be punished as murderers

38. The last thing we should do is make any parallelism between the murderers and their victims.

39. Or put them in jail with murderers and hooligans all in the name of Karl Marx and Lenin.

40. Secondly, some one else, possibly Burghgesh's son, had returned to make his father's murderers atone for the death.

41. “As for the . . . murderers . . . , their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur.

42. So many psychopathic murderers – fortunate to have been under Barker's radical tutelage – had been declared cured and freed.

43. From the moment of his arrival in Casablanca, he is all business, immediately inquiring about the murderers of the German couriers.

44. Risk of ruining your own life in order to protect a corrupt legal system that puts murderers back on the streets?

45. Armies (361 Occurrences) Matthew 22:7 When the king heard that, he was angry, and sent his Armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned their city

46. Punished within Dis are those whose lives were marked by active ( rather than passive ) sins are heretics, murderers, suicides, blasphemers, usurers, sodomites, panderers, seducers, flatterers, Barrators, hypocrites, thieves, fradulent advisors

47. Just one of those casual I-can-do-anything-I-want-any-time-I-want-and-make-you-like-it gestures so beloved of megalomaniacs, mass murderers and the Gunmint.

48. Alexander now adopted symbolic features of Persian royal dress, but one of Darius’s noble followers (and murderers)—Bessus, the satrap of Bactria—also proclaimed himself king

49. The Brains of murderers look different from those of people convicted of other crimes—differences that could be linked to how they process empathy and morality

50. 13 Another Guardian writer, Cath Elliott, is often assumed to be a lesbian by men who take offence at her dislike of rapists and sex murderers.

51. The Murder Act of 1752 decreed that the bodies of all murderers—young and old—be Anatomized as an additional punishment for the heinous crime of taking another person’s life

52. 10 And it came to pass that Helaman did send forth to take this band of robbers and asecret murderers, that they might be executed according to the law.

53. According to news reports, the young murderers of Littleton were fervent admirers of a rock singer who has become famous for “androgyny, satanic images,” and songs with “themes of rebellion and death.”

54. Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always. Mahatma Gandhi 

55. And what of the nightmare of pain felt by the victims of callous murderers or serial killers, like those caught in Britain who “abducted, raped, tortured and killed with impunity for 25 years”?

56. Punished within Dis are those whose lives were marked by active ( rather than passive ) sins are heretics, murderers, suicides, blasphemers, usurers, sodomites, panderers, seducers, flatterers, Barrators, hypocrites, thieves, fradulent advisors, sowers of discord

57. But Cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the immoral, those who practice magic, those who worship idols, and all liars--the place for them is the lake burning with fire and sulfur, which is the second death."

58. Brushy Mountain was the last place you wanted to find yourself – right in the middle of Tennessee’s first maximum-security prison holding the state’s most violent murderers, robbers and rapists for over a century

59. (Proverbs 6:16-19) Such a man’s portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur —the second death— along with such wrongdoers as murderers, fornicators, and idolaters. —Revelation 21:8.

60. Holmes is hired by the débutante Lady Eva Blackwell to retrieve compromising letters from a Blackmailer: Milverton, who causes Holmes more revulsion than any of the 50-odd murderers in his career

61. More than twenty years ago, Jeff VanderMeer first introduced the world to the fictional city of Ambergris, a beautiful and sinister sprawling metropolis populated by artists and thieves, composers and murderers, geniuses and madmen.

62. It is time for the government either to scrap section # or be honest with Canadians by admitting it believes that murderers should serve no more than # years before being eligible to apply for parole

63. The Lord Almoner, or Lord High Almoner, in England, is an ecclesiastical officer, generally a bishop, who has the forfeiture of al deodands, and the goods of self-murderers, which he is to distribute to the poor

64. The Fuwalda, a Barkentine of about one hundred tons, was a vessel of the type often seen in coastwise trade in the far southern Atlantic, their crews composed of the offscourings of the sea--unhanged murderers and cutthroats of every race and every nation.

65. Anhedonia is a darkly comic study of the way human beings fetishise death; a story about the struggle to find meaning in the disconnected jumble of reality TV, deodorant ads and celebrity murderers; a tribute to the best of our culture and an indictment of the worst.

66. Would I suffer my blood to be Besplatter the garments of murderers--devils--to be exhibited by them as marks of triumph, or would I let it bury itself among the giant rocks at the bottom of the precipice? Thus debated I for a moment, while the robbers paused to laugh in derision at my condition.

67. Prostitution, especially in brothels 1888, John Jewel, The Apology of the Church of England‎[1]: Peter did not thus teach at Rome: Paul did not so live at Rome: they did not practise Brothelry, which these do openly: they made not a yearly revenue and profit of harlots: they suffered no common adulterers and wicked murderers to go unpunished

68. The Murderers, after they had perpetrated the sanguinary deed, walked to the distance of some yards, and soon after Briskening their speed, they ran towards Dungeon Wood, and entirely escaped undiscovered, no pursuit or search having been made after them, till the arrival of a troop of the Queen’s Bays about three quarters of an hour afterwards.

69. Bonnie Parker (October 1, 1910–May 23, 1934) and Clyde Barrow (March 24, 1909–May 23, 1934) went on a notorious two-year crime spree during the Great Depression, a time when the American public was hostile toward government.Bonnie and Clyde used that emotion to their advantage—assuming an image closer to Robin Hood's than to the mass murderers they were, they …

70. After and investigation of the Berlin prosecutor's office in the 1960s, the murderers of Höhler were identified as Ernst, his adjutant Walter von Mohrenschildt, the SA-Standartenführer Richard Fiedler, the Sturmbannführer Willi Markus, the Gruppenführer Prince August Wilhelm of Prussia, the Gestapo chief Rudolf Diels (who veiled the facts in his memoirs), the detectives Maikowski and Pohlenz and possibly the legal adviser of the SA group in Berlin-Brandenburg, Gerd Voss.