Use "mumbo jumbo" in a sentence

1. It isn't all mumbo jumbo as some people think.

2. It has thus become a vicious circle of spoken mumbo jumbo.

3. I won't have anything to do with spiritualism( ), ghosts and all that mumbo-jumbo.

4. You don't believe in horoscopes and all that mumbo jumbo, do you?

5. I know: this sounds like so much motivational public speaker mumbo jumbo.

6. On the other hand Indians peddle ahimsa, some spiritual mumbo - jumbo and little else.

7. No psychiatry nonsense, no mumbo jumbo about theories and the other paraphernalia of the fiction writer.

8. 17 No psychiatry nonsense, no mumbo jumbo about theories and the other paraphernalia of the fiction writer.

9. I don't want to bother you with a lot of meteorological mumbo jumbo, but the fact is, you see, whether we like it or not, fog, it moves.

10. After all, much of what we have inherited from past civilisations is of little practical use: the Venus Tablet of Ammisaduqa, for instance, consists largely of astrological mumbo jumbo.

11. Beadn&Stampn's Gallery Legal Mumbo Jumbo Stamps and other products shown on this blog may have been donated for promotional purposes by the company(ies) named in the post.

12. I guess we could discuss the implications of the phrase "meant to be." That is if we wanted to drown ourselves in a sea of Backwardly referential semantics and other mumbo-jumbo