Use "multiform" in a sentence

1. 10 Multiform inspections and quarantines are needed when palm oil is importing.

2. Protoplasmic astrocytomas and multiform glioblastomas showed higher grade of anaplasia and dysplasia than the parent neoplastic tissue.

3. The interdisciplinary chapters address the diverse human activities relating to cross-border economic and sociocultural encounters and Contestations that are manifested through multiform and -scalar interactions between or among grassroots actors, involving engagements between grassroots actors and the state or its agencies, and/or to the

4. The Abstractionistic tendency of our intellectual thought; which attaches absolute logical value to one of the aspects of reality, is a vicious superstition, as truth is multiform and has many facets, in which no one aspect should be given absolute value to the exclusion of the rest.

5. Mental events which can quite properly be described as ‘assents’ or ‘Assentings’ really do occur; and they certainly are relevant to the analysis of the complex and multiform disposition which we call belief, whether we are considering the initiation of such a disposition, or the occurrent manifestations of it when it has been acquired.