Use "muezzin" in a sentence

1. “Muezzin”: Those who perform Azan are known as ‘Muezzin.’ The honor of being the first Muezzin goes to Hazrat Bilal, a black slave who converted to Islam.

2. A person who calls Adhan is called a muezzin

3. Azan definition, (in Islamic countries) the call to prayer proclaimed five times a day by the muezzin

4. The Adhan (Athan, Azan) and Iqama (Iqamah, Iqamat) The adhān is Islams call to prayer, recited by the muezzin

5. I sat watching as the sun reached its zenith and the muezzin began to call the people to prayers.

6. Adhan is called out by the muezzin in the mosque, sometimes from a minaret, five times a day summoning Muslims for mandatory (fard) prayers (salah)

7. The Adhan or Call to Prayer is called out by a muezzin from the mosque five times a day, traditionally from the minaret, summoning Muslims for mandatory (fard) worship (salat)

8. An African slave in pre-Islamic Arabia, Bilal was freed by Muslims and became the Prophet's favorite muezzin (one who calls Adhan, a.k.a muadhdhin).Abdul Basit was a famous Egyptian Qur'an reciter.

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