Use "mouth-to-mouth" in a sentence

1. Did you do mouth-to-mouth, faggot?

2. I know mouth-to-mouth if necessary. Wow. Wow!

3. We gave him mouth - to - mouth resuscitation and heart massage.

4. The lifeguard used mouth - to - mouth resuscitation to save the child's life.

5. Jim was supposed to rescue him, untie him, give him mouth-to-mouth.

6. Neighbours rushed out and gave Linda heart massage and mouth to mouth resuscitation.

7. The strongman had given the lion tamer mouth-to-mouth, and saved his life.

8. I took her back to the bed and gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

9. When mouth to mouth resuscitation is needed there is a particularly high risk of subsequent sudden death.

10. Jehovah’s statement: “Mouth to mouth I speak to him,” revealed that Moses had personal audience with God (by means of angels, who have access to the very presence of God; Mt 18:10).