Use "motored" in a sentence

1. With epic nonchalance I motored north.

2. 19 With epic nonchalance I motored north.

3. 2 The foreign guests were motored to the guest house.

4. Unbenignly wing - sacrings familiarize interdigital insatiably prototherian disambiguate Paolo, Battledores lecherously motored driving

5. Synonyms for Automobiled include motored, drove, drave, driven, druv, tooled, cruised, spun, travelled and traveled

6. Blareh 2»- (P) 879 have died in almost At hwst'Sve pereons wen killed Amendments Rejected today In the nUd-atr exptoslM of a two-motored traaaport atrplaae 18 nUlea fmm this moantalnoas weotera Peaaaylvaala oommunlty

7. Current pro- and Antivivisectionist arguments and campaigns are motored by the rhetorical possibilities afforded by the likeness / difference dilemma, obviating the matter that, as Huggan and Tiffin contend, it is not so much the animals themselves that pose a problem for postcolonial civilizations, but rather our representation of them.