Use "motionless" in a sentence

1. They remained stolid and motionless.

2. The cat sat motionless.

3. Katherine sat motionless looking at Philippe.

4. Even the second hand lies motionless.

5. Four motionless figures stood on the pier.

6. For a moment Theda stood motionless, watching Benedict go.

7. She sat there motionless, staring into space.

8. The flag hung motionless on its pole.

9. There on the beach it lies motionless.

10. Adam lay slumped and motionless beside her.

11. She sat motionless, waiting for their decision.

12. Soon, even the largest waterfalls will be motionless.

13. A crumpled figure lay motionless in the doorway.

14. A Crumpled figure lay motionless in the doorway.

15. She sits motionless, watching the darkening distant trees.

16. Some were no more than motionless translucent blobs.

17. Four placed plates under a hovering motionless bowl.

18. Each other or look calm and unruffled, motionless.

19. Sometimes they would hang motionless for twenty minutes.

20. The motionless body showed no signs of life.

21. She lay motionless where she was, oblivious to pain.

22. 4 She sat there motionless,( as if spellbound.

23. I urged him to rest, but he remained motionless.

24. 13 A crumpled figure lay motionless in the doorway.

25. It sniffed at the ground and stood, dejected, motionless.

26. 1 She lay motionless where she was, oblivious to pain.

27. The horse lay motionless on the ground, as if dead.

28. Even after Tuathal started to breathe, Earl Siward still remained motionless.

29. Nearly or completely motionless; undisturbed: the Calm surface of the lake.

30. Three children sat motionless under the hut, shielded from the sun.

31. When awake, he lay motionless, coiled like a fetus and almost as helpless.

32. 15 The orcas then daintily eat the motionless herring one at a time.

33. The men stood motionless as Weir held his finger to his lips.

34. In underdeveloped countries, prices may remain stationary or motionless for several years.

35. One hand gripped a railing, the other drooped motionless at her side.

36. When danger threatens, the mother deer commands her young to lie absolutely motionless.

37. It was foolish to be afraid of something lying motionless on a table.

38. In his study, Bernard Quex stared into space, pen motionless over his notepad.

39. Steve plonked himself down on a seat and stayed motionless as the bus moved away.

40. Then she gave up trying to scrape them away and stood there weakly, motionless with horror.

41. He lay there motionless for several minutes, paralyzed by the stupidity of it all.

42. He spotted Coral, who was motionless, staring into the water at a hungry barracuda.

43. I could see a heron standing motionless, and a curlew dabbling by the shore.

44. Caroline felt riveted to the floor, motionless, unwilling to consciously eavesdrop but tense with curiosity.

45. Antonyms for Blowy include calm, still, quiet, peaceful, windless, oppressive, heavy, difficult, becalmed and motionless

46. After a short time there was a pile of fish lying on the grass motionless.

47. 17 I could see a heron standing motionless, and a curlew dabbling by the shore.

48. Bovids usually stand motionless, with the head high and an intent stare, when they sense danger.

49. 27 She lay motionless, utterly worn out by her exertions, yet at the same time ominously wide awake.

50. Betokener 863-471 Phone Numbers Awesome hostel and a component so as nearly motionless as they

51. This should not, however, mean that the lips remain stiff and as motionless as a duck’s bill.

52. Like a chameleon, it moved out of the aisle between machines, then stopped, and became utterly motionless.

53. When the lion finally did relax its jaws, the lion tamer just slumped to the ground, motionless.

54. She returns to the television, and I can see her motionless silhouette against some once-jaunty blinds.

55. If I spoke, would that motionless and suffering youth leap into the obscurity -- clutch at the straw?

56. Although her descent down the steep incline took several minutes, the queue at the foot remained motionless.

57. 30 The fish to be cleaned hang motionless in the water, gill covers open and fins spread, waiting for attention.

58. True to habit, the kestrel stood motionless, waiting to begin an afternoon of hunting at Hidden Waters Preserve.

59. 16 Through the dingy gloom of this motionless train, I catch a first glimpse of my fellow travellers.

60. The Anglerfish is known to remain completely motionless, waving its lure back and forth like a fishing pole.

61. Regis Gilben – A silent and motionless boy who communicates with an eerie wind sound instead of a voice.

62. 23 Resting his weight on his bended knee, he was staring motionless over a precipice towards the lake.

63. Similarly, many hawks can hover with their heads almost motionless on the most windy and blustery of days.

64. MOTIONLESS in the incubator, the ostrich egg betrays nothing of what is happening inside or the dramatic display about to begin.

65. Frank unfastened my cape and draped it over the back of my chair while I stared straight ahead, motionless.

66. They remain like this motionless with the woman stemming any premature ejaculatory urges by squeeze control, if the need arises.

67. Although bridegroom is already dog-tired, but mix again constrainedly bridal nimbus, bend over tiredly this motionless on the bed.

68. He tried again, uncaring that the tramp was motionless by now, the stench of excrement already beginning to permeate the air.

69. Because when the boredom begins to set in as you lie motionless under the sun, you can do your exercises then!

70. It waits often motionless for suitable prey such as fish, frogs or crabs to come within reach of its long bill.

71. 30 Although bridegroom is already dog-tired, but mix again constrainedly bridal nimbus, bend over tiredly this motionless on the bed.

72. Cranes, herons, storks, and spoonbills wade in the shallows, pausing motionless midstride, patiently waiting for an unsuspecting fish to swim within range.

73. To render motionless for lack of wind: "Across the harbor, a small sailing skiff, Becalmed near some reeds, caught the breeze again" (Horace Freeland Judson)

74. The more Abject of the two victims continued motionless; but the other bounded from the place at the cry, with the activity and swiftness of a deer

75. Borkery Summary: Chara just stood motionless, hand still hovering next to Frisk’s face, because they were having another ‘y0UR cUTE’ moment even though it was all just a gay daydream- …

76. To render motionless for lack of wind: "Across the harbor, a small sailing skiff, Becalmed near some reeds, caught the breeze again" (Horace Freeland Judson).

77. It is hard to believe that just over seven months earlier, these lanky creatures —all neck and legs— were just motionless eggs in an ostrich-farm incubator.

78. A suspension of extracted Axonemes remains motionless until the addition of 1 mM ATP that establishes a baseline CBF similar to that seen when analyzing intact ciliated BBEC

79. In the Aristarchian universe, however, the celestial sphere stands motionless, and the nightly progression of the stars from horizon to horizon is revealed for what it is: an illusion

80. The note asked — or no, instructed — him to meet the water truck that came Bimonthly from the nearest town, Indio Muerto, which lay some 35 miles across the motionless plain.