Use "morphologically" in a sentence

1. Anaphors in Chinese can either be morphologically complex (polymorphemic) like him/herself in English or morphologically simple (monomorphemic)

2. Besides the conserved apical complex, Apicomplexa are morphologically diverse

3. The Bullace morphologically resembles the common, or European, plum (P

4. Morphologically the acidophilic, granular cells resemble oncocytes of other organs.

5. The Bullace morphologically resembles the common, or European, plum (P

6. Julibrissin, two other commonly introduced and morphologically similar Albizia species

7. Morphologically, “angioblastic meningioma” and “hemangiopericytoma of the meninges” show striking common features.

8. Barbarisms may be incompletely assimilated by a language (semantically and sometimes even morphologically and syntactically)

9. Aside from their distribution these cells appear identical morphologically. They produce an amorphous material.

10. The thematic stem type represents a morphologically open class, the Athematic type being obsolete

11. Exfoliative cells from lip, tongue, cervix uteri, fornix vaginae and scrotum are described morphologically.

12. Ascomycetes are morphologically diverse and include single-celled yeasts, filamentous fungi, and more complex cup fungi.

13. Members of sections Anogra and Kleinia are morphologically similar, bearing large, white flowers that open at dusk

14. Aurei is phylogenetically confirmed and detailed comparisons between morphologically similar and phylogenetically affiliated taxa in sect

15. The results indicate that avicularia are morphologically diverse and display extensive variation in Avicularian orifice morphology

16. Anisogamy is the fusion of morphologically dissimilar male and female gametes which can be motile or immotile

17. Benign and malignant skin adnexal neoplasms, especially glandular lesions, show morphologically striking similarities to salivary gland tumors.

18. Members of sections Anogra and Kleinia are morphologically similar, bearing large, white fl owers that open at dusk

19. In Bonefishes, the presence of morphologically cryptic species creates challenges to conservation and management (Colborn et al

20. A negative immunofluorescence test is identified for any sample where morphologically typical fluorescing cells are not found.

21. Anaspida is a morphologically unique group among jawless vertebrates known only from the Silurian and Lower Devonian

22. 2 From the angle of dynamic feature of grammar, "De" is morphologically descriptive while syntactically depictive and narrative.

23. In mosses, liverworts and hornworts, an unbranched sporophyte produces a single sporangium, which may be quite complex morphologically.

24. In some cases, a morpheme may have variable forms, known as allomorphs, conditioned phonologically, morphologically, grammatically and lexically.

25. Blastema cells morphologically resemble mesenchymal stem-like cells, although their surface antigens and other biomarkers are incompletely characterized

26. Amoebae differ in both size and shape, and even members of the same species can be highly morphologically distinct

27. A. benhamiae anamorphs can be cultured on growth media used for dermatophytes and can be characterized morphologically and physiologically.

28. 14 Using electron microscopy, Rubin etal showed that the tight junctions appeared morphologically unchanged in untreated coeliac disease patients.

29. Antiserum from rLH-coated wells stained no cells, whereas the control serum stained cells that were morphologically typical of LH cells

30. Cyanobacteria are a morphologically diverse group of photosynthetic prokaryotic microorganisms that form a closely related phylogenetic lineage of eubacteria

31. There was also an excess of chromatid breaks, gaps of one or both chromatids, acentric fragments and morphologically abnormal chromosomes.

32. The Branchiopoda are a morphologically diverse group of crustaceans with phyllopodous limbs, including the water fleas, fairy shrimp and tadpole shrimp

33. Belemnites (extinct) were very similar to modern squid (part of the subclass Coleoidea), both morphologically and their mode of life

34. Acinic cell carcinoma Breast An extremely rare carcinoma that is morphologically identical to the same-named tumours of the salivary glands

35. We aimed to develop a morphologically based classification system of the Atlantal tubercle to aid clinicians who deal with craniocervical pathology.

36. The angioreticulomas of the cerebellum showed a peak incidence in the third and forth decade. 3 morphologically different types of angioreticulomas can be distinguished.

37. One group of species resem- bles Brienomyrus Brachyistius morphologically, but can be shown to be four distinct species on the basis of the EODs.

38. Thus, the leaf surface exposed to the air is morphologically the abaxial surface and that in contact with the water is the adaxial surface.

39. Blastomeres of a mouse embryo are morphologically indistinguishable from each other up until the 8-cell stage. These cells have the capacity to contribute to …

40. In this paper we point out that in a wide variety of languages, reflexive Anaphors seem sensitive to Principle B when they are morphologically simple

41. The teliospores of both of these forms are morphologically identical to aeciospores, but upon germination form promycelia that give rise to either two or four basidiospores.

42. The status of I. usambarensis was not as clear because it was morphologically similar to I. walleriana, and the hybrid between the two species had fewer meiotic abnormalities.

43. From qualitative and quantitative differences observed among the root nodule endophytes, it was concluded that the fossil nodules contained actinomycetes morphologically similar to those of extant Elaeagnaceae.

44. Cephalopoda is the most morphologically and behaviorally complex class in phylum Mollusca. Cephalopoda means "head foot" and this group has the most complex brain of any invertebrate

45. Structural Gen, which is a structural case assigned by various lexical heads under strict adjacency; Gen Assigners are distinguished morphologically and must always be followed by an overt DP

46. Although individuals of the three Bryophyte groups differ from one another morphologically and in other details, the moss life cycle shown in Figure is typical of the group in general

47. Since the normale somatic complement comprises 77 acrocentric chromosomes and a large metacentric one (X), the chromosomes of tumor cells differ grossly from the somatic elements both morphologically and numerically.

48. While this is now acknowledged by many linguists, we show that (further), when reflexive Anaphors in these languages are morphologically complex, they still contain a pronominal element which obeys Principle B.

49. Apophysomyces complex is readily distinguished from other zygomycetes, especially the morphologically similar, strongly apophysate pathogen Lichtheimia corymbifera, by having sporangiophores with distinctive funnel or bell-shaped Apophyses and hemispherical-shaped columellae

50. Unidentified strains of Cylindrocladium that were baited from soil in the Amazonas state of Brazil or isolated from Adiantum in the Netherlands were examined morphologically and analysed phylogenetically in comparison with reference strains.

51. They are morphologically quite similar too—a partly albinistic specimen of a mimid, mislabelled as to suggest an Old World origin, was for many decades believed to represent an extinct starling (see Rodrigues starling for details).

52. Other features of leaf anatomy do not show that same relationship to the direction of light: stomata are found on the morphologically abaxial side of the leaf regardless of orientation, as are the epidermal sclereids.

53. Hellebores are fascinating morphologically, if you are into that kind of thing: with sepals and nectaries (the yellow center early pollinators appreciate) and their stemlessness, or Acaulescence (true of niger and the orientalis or x hybridus kinds)

54. Furthermore, the production of morphologically and ecologically indistinguishable ray and disc achenes by A. umbellatus var. umbellatus would suggest that the significance of heterogamous capitula, specifically the production of ray florets, rests in their attractiveness of pollinators.

55. Affined Joined by affinity or any close tie; akin; allied; confederated.; Affined Bound or obligated by affinity or some intimate relation.; Affined In zoology, joined in natural affinity; having affinity; allied homologically and morphologically; related in structural character.

56. The in vitro epitheliums are compared with in vivo alveolar lining cells morphologically and their stage of development in vitro is discussed. The epithelial cells in the organoid-cultures are preserved well even after four days of culture.

57. In primate: General structure …primates, collectively known as the Anthropoids, are extremely conservative in their structure; morphologically speaking, they have maintained a position in the evolutionary midstream and have avoided the potential stagnation of specialized life near the banks.

58. The new species is characterized morphologically by: 4 cephalic setae, a very small buccalcavity without any sclerotized structures, an esophagus, with 2 bulbs, an excretory pore located posterior to the esophagus, reflexed diorchic ovaria, outstretched diochic testes, and 1 vesicular pre-anal organ in the male.

59. Morphologically, Bacteria are microscopic single-celled organisms that are small in size and lack membrane bound organelles.A majority of these organisms also have a cell wall and capsule that protects the inner contents of the cell where the nucleoid, ribosome, plasmid, and cytoplasm are found

60. Other articles where Anthropoid is discussed: primate: General structure: …primates, collectively known as the Anthropoids, are extremely conservative in their structure; morphologically speaking, they have maintained a position in the evolutionary midstream and have avoided the potential stagnation of specialized life near the banks.

61. African Trypanosomiasis, also known as “sleeping sickness”, is caused by microscopic parasites of the species Trypanosoma brucei.It is transmitted by the tsetse fly (Glossina species), which is found only in sub-Saharan Africa.Two morphologically indistinguishable subspecies of the parasite cause distinct disease patterns in humans: T

62. The second phase (to be differentiated in phase II and phase IIA) gave rise to at least two morphologically different flower types and two separate semophyletic lines of floral evolution (phase III and III A), in each of which the primary zoophily is almost always associated with the development of intrafloral semaphylls (petals) usually (at least in dicotyledonous groups) of androecial derivation.

63. On day 5 of in vitro cultivation, resulting Blastocysts were evaluated morphologically.[4] Initially, they were assigned a numeric score (between 1 and 6) based on their degree of expansion, and hatching status: (1) early blastocyst (i.e., where the blastocoel formed less than half of the volume of the embryo); (2) blastocyst, (where the blastocoel formed more than half of the volume of the