Use "moralism" in a sentence

1. 18 The second turn saw the change to the conservative, traditional moralism and jingoism.

2. 13 The rise of moralism was a bugbear to Lord Byron , born in 17

3. By 1831 the attempt to portray Antislavery in parliament as an exercise in abstract moralism was absent

4. By 1831 the attempt to portray antislavery in parliament as an exercise in abstract moralism was absent.

5. Our more skeptical age is apt to greet a performance like this with a smirk, as just more fussy Victorian moralism.

6. Their strident moralism jarred with both the measured middle-class radicalism of the repealers and the dominant patrician language of high politics.

7. Writing for The Weekly Standard, Benjamin Welton instead described the alt-right as a "highly heterogeneous force" that "turns the left's moralism on its head and makes it a badge of honor to be called 'racist,' 'homophobic,' and 'sexist'".