Use "monsoons" in a sentence

1. In the monsoons, the village is cut off.

2. But in the Indian Ocean, he met the monsoons —winds that reverse direction seasonally.

3. The most abundant and very conspicuous beetles during the monsoons are the blister - beetles , also calledCantharids .

4. They trap the water from the monsoons as ice and release it in the summer when the snows melt.

5. The monsoons are second coolest season of the year because of high humidity and cloud covering.

6. Due to the late arrival of monsoons, agricultural areas in Punjab and Haryana drew increased power from the grid for running pumps irrigating paddy fields.

7. Climatic changes brought: savannas that are still continuing to spread across the world; Indian monsoons; deserts in central Asia; and the beginnings of the Sahara desert.

8. These cultural interactions, all the way from the Arab world and Africa to South East Asia and China were possible through the unique power of the Monsoons, a force of nature that allowed for merchants to trade their wares and adventurers to seek new lands.