Use "monseigneur" in a sentence

1. ' Monseigneur . For the love of the great God!

2. Monseigneur received him in a courtly manner, but they did not shake hands.

3. After witnessing the sneers of the Monseigneur and the Bruskness of Stryver, Darnay reflects

4. 17 With an exclamation of impatience, but with his Unchangeable face, Monseigneur looked out.

5. 29 No. The change consisted in the appearance of strange faces of low caste, rather than in the disappearance of the high-caste, chiseled, and otherwise beatified and beatifying features of Monseigneur.

6. By taking problems of education to a philosophical plane, the teacher sees these problems in Ampler perspective.: That for Ampler information, he would speak with monseigneur.: More people cycling and walking means there would be less congestion, the air would be cleaner, the people healthier, and yes, the parking would even be Ampler.