Use "monroe doctrine" in a sentence

1. It is an addition to the Monroe Doctrine of 18

2. Events recently reveal a surprising extension of his Monroe Doctrine.

3. Explain the importance of the Monroe Doctrine in a 750-word essay.

4. Roosevelt Corollary definition, a Corollary (1904) to the Monroe Doctrine, asserting that the U.S

5. I was then a strong supporter of America's Monroe Doctrine and the Open Door Policy.

6. Both the positive and the negative aspects of the Monroe Doctrine were often repeated and reaffirmed in later years.

7. And he formulated the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, which warned Europe that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open for European colonization.

8. Giving examples of the American Manifest Destiny, Monroe Doctrine, the recent aggression against Yugoslavia, as well as Francis Fukuyama's 'end of history' thesis, he justifies Russian expansionism with an urgent mobilization of strategic, economic and socio-cultural resources which to him is the only correct response to the blatant Atlanticism