Use "monotonously" in a sentence

1. The lecturer phrased monotonously.

2. The rain dripped monotonously from the trees.

3. The maid, still in tears, sniffed monotonously.

4. All the buildings here look monotonously alike.

5. The rain poured monotonously out of the grey sky.

6. They nudged her side and bellowed monotonously.

7. The windshield wipers swished back and forth monotonously.

8. Outside, the crickets chirped monotonously, with a Webern-like inconsistency yet precision of rhythm.

9. As the boys steadily monotonously drove the raft toward mid - stream.

10. Yes, that's what reddshoes begs of us, insipidly, monotonously, stubbornly, Bickeringly and all too sickeningly

11. This value is largest by small animals and decreases monotonously as a function of body weight.

12. The history of the play throughout the latter part of the eighteenth century is monotonously uneventful.

13. How monotonously alike all the great tyrantsand conquerors have been : how gloriously different are the saints.

14. The sigmoidal function is monotonously increasing, continuous in all derivaties, and its output is 0.5 for zero input.

15. Then, Gigven the industrial evolution model to analyze the phenomenon which firm numbers change non - time monotonously.

16. Around the front of the vortex motion towards to the sample center the supercurrent was found not decrease monotonously, but increase first, then decrease with time.

17. Cheerful Skewering. By contrast, their early music had exuberance and an occasional oasis of unexpected harmony, but otherwise blended monotonously into the parched badlands of rock.

18. The count rate at the extrapolation of bias to zero varies monotonously with the anode current of phototube and tends to the activity of source as the inverse anode current approaches zero.

19. The Kissimmee Valley 23 a loud bass, and as if an obbligato to this pond chorus, the Bullbats nestled on the ground or in young cabbage palms monotonously cried "chuckwill's-widow." Insects, too: moths, butterflies, flying roaches, many varieties of ants, mosquitoes, it seemed that anything that crawled or …