Use "monolingual" in a sentence

1. How the brains of Bilingual people differ from their monolingual counterparts is an

2. In a monolingual situation, films with subtitles in the national language may be available on video.

3. In recent years, monolingual or multilingual (primarily bilingual) corpora are viewed as key resources in language information processing and language engineering projects.

4. Some of the insistence on English-first was founded in research produced decades ago, in which Bilingual students underperformed monolingual English speakers and had lower IQ scores.

5. Two views of Bilinguals are compared, a monolingual (or fractional) view whereby Bilinguals are considered as two monolinguals in one person, and a holistic view which states that Bilinguals have

6. Bilinguals and 35 monolinguals it was suggested that there exists no basis for concluding that the bilingual children were slower to develop early vocabulary than were their monolingual peers

7. ‘Bilingual / Bicultural children face daunting challenges in educational settings that not only disregard their home language and culture, but also the wisdom of previous generations.’ ‘Thus, Hispanic children can be exposed to a monolingual English environment at home, but still develop a Bicultural identity that allows them to adapt to