Use "mongol" in a sentence

1. You ride as Mongol... not princess.

2. But I am a proud Mongol.

3. The Mongol conquest of Khwarezmia from 1219 to 1221 marked the beginning of the Mongol conquest of the Islamic states.

4. At first, they served the Mongol monarchs as auxiliaries in battle after the Mongol invasion of Volga Bulgaria in 1236.

5. But the fat Mongol is trying to become Chinese.

6. Torguud (Tunghaut) are the day guard of the Mongol khans.

7. Mongol records list 20,166 public schools created during his reign.

8. Ethnic distinctions among the Mongol subgroups are relatively minor.

9. Hulagu left 3,000 Mongol soldiers behind to rebuild Baghdad.

10. The advance into Europe continued with Mongol invasions of Poland and Hungary.

11. All Mongol women are born to the horse and the bow.

12. Khan genealogy The Islamic World to 1600: The Mongol Invasions (The Il-Khanate)

13. The Mongol military governors mostly made their camp in Mughan plain, Azerbaijan.

14. With the brief exception of the Mongol invasions, major barbarian incursions ceased.

15. From 1221 to 1327, the Mongol Empire launched several invasions into the Indian subcontinent.

16. The Manchus conquered a Mongol tribe in the process of war against the Ming.

17. In 1299, the town was sacked by the Mongol armies of Nogai Khan's Golden Horde.

18. We thank you and pledge expansion of your domain when the Mongol plague is removed.

19. Mmm. Still... tomorrow I ride to Wuchang as a Mongol... and I carry my father's flag.

20. Berberi definition is - a people of Mongol origin in the Afghan-Iran frontier region.

21. The Mongol Empire and Mongolian khanates that emerged from those Appanages are listed below

22. The Republic of Venice signed a trade treaty with the Mongol Empire in 1221.

23. This seal was presented by a Mongol Great Khan to the Namo Grand Preceptor.

24. Russia had been isolated from European development by the Mongol conquest in the thirteenth century.

25. Hollywood icon John Wayne stars as the Mongol Conqueror Genghis Khan in the lavish period epic The Conqueror

26. Chechnya was devastated by the Mongol invasions of the 13th century and those of Tamerlane in the 14th.

27. The Mongol victory was won by an advance guard of perhaps as few as 5,000 cavalry.

28. The Mongol strategy was based on capturing small settlements and ignoring the fortifications of major cities.

29. The Mongol Empire was governed by a code of law devised by Genghis, called Yassa, meaning "order" or "decree".

30. Mongol mounted archers were like super fast tanks, compared to the foot soldiers and knights they were up against.

31. Centuries later, the Mughal Empire, with Mongol roots from Central Asia, conquered the northern part of the sub-continent.

32. Jia Sidao sent me to Cambulac to find Mei Lin and charge her to assassinate the Mongol queen.

33. He also signed a treaty in 1263 with the Egyptian Mamluk sultan Baibars and Berke, the Mongol Khan of Kipchak Khanate.

34. In 1207, the Oirat prince Quduqa-Beki led Mongol detachments under Jochi to a tributary of the Kaa-Khem river.

35. At first the Khalkhas and Oirats were in league, bound by the provisions of the Mongol-Oirat code.

36. You sought to repel the Mongol horde and masterfully lured them into a hornet's nest of sharpened steel.

37. Annually Mongol nobles had to pay a visit to the Qing Emperor who was referred to as "Bogda Khan", in Beijing.

38. Samarkand suffered at least one other Mongol sack by Khan Baraq to get treasure he needed to pay an army.

39. During the Mongol invasions of Korea of 1231–1270, the island served as a refuge for the Sambyeolcho Rebellion forces.

40. Many historians believe that Buzkashi began with the Turkic-Mongol people, and it is indigenously shared by the people of Northern Afghanistan

41. Acrocentric chromosomes showed a random participation in associations both in normal and in mongol populations, where the additional 21 chromosome significantly alters expected frequencies.

42. It was during the reign of Jayavarman VIII that the Mongol forces under the command of Kublai Khan attacked the Angkor empire in 1283.

43. All Rus' principalities were forced to submit to Mongol rule and became part of the Golden Horde empire, some of which lasted until 1480.

44. Old Kiev historically represents the city of Yaroslav the Wise before it was presumably destroyed by the Mongol invasion of Batu Khan in 1240.

45. More than 600 ships carried a combined Mongol, Chinese, and Korean force of 23,000 troops armed with catapults, combustible missiles, and bows and arrows.

46. Uighur and Chinese transcriptions from the period of the Mongol Empire support the forms Küsän/Güsän and Kuxian/Quxian respectively, rather than Küshän or Kushan.

47. As ruler of the small principality of Fergana, Babur first tried to recover Samarkand, the former capital of the empire founded by his Mongol ancestor Timur

48. After more than a century of power, the Yuan was replaced by the Ming dynasty in 1368, and the Mongol court fled to the north.

49. The Mongol Conquests, culminating with the invasion of Europe in the middle of the thirteenth century, were of a scope and range never equaled

50. The Chahar Mongols were then put under the direct control of the Qing Emperor unlike the other Inner Mongol leagues which maintained their autonomy.

51. Louis dispatched another envoy to the Mongol court, the Franciscan William of Rubruck, who went to visit the Great Khan Möngke (1251–1259) in Mongolia.

52. Buyan Khan even attempted to show what was rumored to be the Imperial Seal of Genghis Khan to other Mongol clans to legitimatize his rule.

53. Because there will not be a single night in which we are fully certain that a Mongol blade will not find us in our sleep.

54. Baalbek would continue to be co-opted through the Muslim conquest of Syria, European invasion during the Crusades, Mongol occupation, Ottoman expansion and even the world wars

55. The paper analyses data, obtained from conventionally stained preparations, on the general pattern of acrocentric association in a large sample of parents of mongol children and controls.

56. After Genghis Khan established Appanages for his family in the Mongol Empire during his rule (1206–1227), his sons, daughters, and grandsons inherited separate sections of the empire

57. But Toktamish overreached himself when he tried to demand the cession of territories ruled by another Mongol chief, Timur (1336 140, whose capital was Samarkand.

58. Phonological features of Middle Mongol Affricates related to voice onset time (VOT) are clarified from the analysis of their Chinese and ’Phags-pa transcriptions (see e.g

59. Political disagreement among contending branches of the family over the office of great khan continued, but the economic and commercial success of the Mongol Empire continued despite the squabbling.

60. In the wake of the Mongol invasions of the 1230s, Volga Bulgaria was absorbed by the Golden Horde and its population evolved into the modern Chuvashes and Kazan Tatars.

61. After Genghis Khan established Appanages for his family in the Mongol Empire during his rule (1206–1227), his sons, daughters, and grandsons inherited separate sections of the empire

62. By Assuming that title, the sovereign of Moscow tried to emphasize that he was a major ruler or emperor on par with the Byzantine emperor or the Mongol khan

63. Even before the dynasty began to take control of China proper in 1644, the escapades of Ligden Khan had driven a number of Mongol tribes to ally with the Manchu state.

64. As the story goes, the Han people of that time resented the Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty and revolutionaries, led by Chu Yuan-chang, plotted to usurp the throne.

65. Although a Russian army defeated the Golden Horde at Kulikovo in 1380, Mongol domination of the Russian-inhabited territories, along with demands of tribute from Russian princes, continued until about 1480.

66. Buryat, also spelled Buriat, northernmost of the major Mongol peoples, living south and east of Lake Baikal.By the Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) their land was ceded by China to the Russian Empire.

67. The following collision of the eastern portion of the Altaid collage with the Siberian craton formed the Mongol–Okhotsk suture zone, which still links the accretionary wedges of central Mongolia and Circum-Pacific belts

68. But from September to December 1932, nearly 30,000 Japanese and Manchukuoan soldiers including the Japanese 14th Division and the 4,500 Mongol Cavalrymen of the Manchukuoan "Hsingan" Army directed a fierce campaign at Su and Ma's troops.

69. The Khalkha Mongols were more reluctant to come under Qing rule, only submitting to the Kangxi Emperor after they came under an invasion from the Oirat Mongol Dzungar Khanate under its leader Galdan.

70. With over 20,000 Mongol troops as well as 5,000 Korean, the allied armies departed Masan on board 900 ships on October 2 of 1274 in an attempt to conquer Japan that eventually failed.

71. The following collision of the eastern portion of the Altaid collage with the Siberian craton formed the Mongol-Okhotsk suture zone, which still links the accretionary wedges of central Mongolia and Circum-Pacific belts

72. Babur, a descendant of the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan and also of the Turkic conqueror Timur (Tamerlane), was a military adventurer, a soldier of distinction, and a poet and diarist of genius, as well as a statesman.

73. The Goryeosa, a history of the Goryeo dynasty, mentions that in 1274, Korean troops of the Mongol army led by Kim Bang-gyeong that included many Korean soldiers killed a great number of people on the islands.

74. When the Mamluks of Egypt managed to inflict one of history's more significant defeats on the Mongols at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260, Hulagu Khan, one of Genghis Khan's grandsons by his son Tolui, who had sacked Baghdad in 1258, was unable to avenge that defeat when Berke Khan, his cousin, (who had converted to Islam) attacked him in the Transcaucasus to aid the cause of Islam, and Mongol battled Mongol for the first time.

75. In 1651 the young emperor invited to Beijing the Fifth Dalai Lama, the leader of the Yellow Hat Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, who, with the military help of Khoshot Mongol Gushri Khan, had recently unified religious and secular rule in Tibet.

76. The Mongol Conquests: The Military Operations of Genghis Khan and Sube'etei is a scholarly, detailed history of how the Mongols created the greatest landlocked empire in history, eventually spanning from Korea in the east to Hungary and Poland in the west.

77. He claimed 6,000 converts, but the Franciscans also failed in Acculturizing Christianity; their converts were merely alien enclaves amid a hostile population, and with the end of the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty in 1368 Christianity had again disappeared in face of persecution.

78. "The Mongol Conquests: The Military Operations of Genghis Khan and Sube'etei is a scholarly, detailed history of how the Mongols created the greatest landlocked empire in history, eventually spanning from Korea in the east to Hungary and Poland in the west.

79. Kumis (also spelled kumiss or koumiss or kumys, see other transliterations and cognate words below under terminology and etymology - Kazakh: қымыз, qymyz) is a fermented dairy product traditionally made from mare's milk or donkey milk.The drink remains important to the peoples of the Central Asian steppes, of Huno-Bulgar, Turkic and Mongol origin: Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Kyrgyz

80. These later Appanages were about 46% of the Mongol households according to the Secret History and about 22% according to Rashid al-Din (Secret History of the Mongols §§242–243; Rashiduddin/Thackston 1999: II, 272, 279–82).17 Under Ögödei this distinction was regularized among the sedentary subject peoples as well (Allsen 2001b).