Use "money supply" in a sentence

1. a seemingly unending supply of money.

2. The money supply will thus increase.

3. The supply of money — just as important, more important perhaps — the supply of money to this activity is also dwindling.

4. 26 An infinitely interest-elastic supply of money.

5. Through the quantity theory of money, increases in the money supply lead to inflation.

6. Decisions of the Federal Reserve Board regarding money supply.

7. Now let us assume that the money supply increases.

8. Money from multilateral agencies is also in short supply.

9. If only one had an unlimited supply of money!

10. When money is in short supply many businesses fail.

11. In February every measure of the money supply slowed.

12. Here, the recorded money supply falls while spending increases.

13. We don't have an endless supply of money, you know.

14. There's a close relationship between increased money supply and inflation.

15. Public debt held by banks would set the money supply.

16. Where does the money to supply these needs come from?

17. All the other measures of money supply only include sterling.

18. Incidentally, these money supply figures have nothing to do with gold.

19. The up - regulating of required reserve ratio will deflate money supply.

20. They see a direct link between the money supply and prices.

21. Monetary Policy Decisions of the Federal Reserve Board regarding money supply.

22. 19 What is the relationship between money supply and aggregate demand?

23. 18 Changes in money supply affect aggregate demand in three stages:

24. • Tight monetary policy has helped to contain credit and money supply growth.

25. What are the limitations on these methods of controlling the money supply?

26. Changes in the money supply affect the short - term nominal interest rate.

27. Loans, bonds, and shares have some of the characteristics of money and are included in the broad money supply.

28. Generally speaking, a higher real interest rate reduces the broad money supply.

29. 10 The superabundance of money supply is an important reason in price increase.

30. Money supply growth ( ) the economy and consumer price index a far broader margin.

31. 12 A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure.

32. When the money supply increases more money is available for productive activities and consumption which is the condition for a boom.

33. Expansionary and Contractionary fiscal policies raise and lower money supply, respectively, into the economy

34. In the ACCs, the money supply began to accelerate at the beginning of 19

35. Future gold production might be used as a regulator for the Soviet money supply.

36. In fact money supply grew rapidly and by 1989 inflation was over 8 percent.

37. They relieve this excess supply by spending the excess money on consumer and producer goods.

38. The east is where the money is, the grain supply, most of the tax revenue.

39. For every U.S. dollar of money supply in circulation, there is now $8 of debt.

40. 30 This assertion leads directly to the proposition that money national income and the nominal money supply must be directly correlated with each other.

41. The high drama at the Fed involves its decisions on interest rates and the money supply.

42. It is not a conservative and passive policy, still less a policy to retrench money supply.

43. This is where the monetarist assumption of an exogenous money supply plays such a vital role.

44. However, increases in money supply aggregates over recent months indicate that liquidity is continuing to grow.

45. Affluentness definition: an abundant supply of money, goods, or property; wealth Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

46. Expansionary monetary policy is simply a policy which expands (increases) the supply of money, whereas Contractionary monetary policy contracts (decreases) the supply of a country's currency.

47. The quantity theory of inflation rests on the quantity equation of money that relates the money supply, its velocity, and the nominal value of exchanges.

48. 4 This is where the monetarist assumption of an exogenous money supply plays such a vital role.

49. Barter is an option to those who cannot afford to store their small supply of wealth in money, especially in hyperinflation situations where money devalues quickly

50. 27 The point is that the broadest measures of the money supply (M2 and M vastly overstate how much "real money" actually exists in the system.

51. Should it adopt a target for money supply growth, say, and stick to it come what may?

52. If, for instance, money supply were to increase, the aggregate demand curve would shift 11 Economists often express a decline in money demand in terms of an increase in the velocity of money.

53. At last, the effectiveness of markdown money contract is verified in supply chain coordination by a case study.

54. The central bank uses monetary policy including reserve requirement system to regulate the money supply of a country.

55. It also meant allowing money supply to contract, or grow less rapidly, when deflationary fiscal policies were pursued.

56. 3 Bundesbank officials have predicated another cut in the discount rate on the pace of money supply growth.

57. The snag is that money-supply growth would explode without sterilisation, which is now close to its limit.

58. By increasing the money supply or Aggregate Supply of Funding (ASF), interest rates will fall due to the excess of dollars banks will end up with in their reserves.

59. Such threats related to alleged anti-Maoist activity or a refusal to supply food, shelter, labour or money.

60. Online advertising money has moved to search - ie , Google - and excess supply has depressed prices of display advertisements.


62. Stabilization policy attempts to stimulate an economy out of recession or Constrain the money supply to prevent excessive inflation.

63. Currency is the physical money in an economy, comprising the coins and paper notes in circulation. Currency makes up just a small amount of the overall money supply, much of …

64. But sometimes unscrupulous leaders added coins to the money supply by minting new coins that contained less gold and silver.

65. Therefore, if we want to study reserve requirement system, we must have a profound understanding of China's money supply mechanism.

66. Let us interject that in any monetary system, some authority must fix either the price of money or the supply.

67. The flow-of-funds equation All these effects on money supply can be summarized using a flow-of-funds equation.

68. 23 In the less extreme case, the supply of money depends to some extent, but not exclusively(, on demand.

69. Therefore, are we not wise in being extremely cautious before we hand over our money supply to a third party?

70. That does not automatically mean, however, that the money supply has been curbed, and there is considerable evidence to the contrary.

71. Governments should aim for a neutral monetary policy oriented toward long-run economic growth, by gradual expansion of the money supply.

72. 17 Therefore, are we not wise in being extremely cautious before we hand over our money supply to a third party?

73. He also warned that a slowdown in money supply growth this summer could threaten the recovery at just the wrong moment.

74. In this paper, we consider an endogenetic money supply system to review the relation bet ween fiscal policy and consumption demand.

75. The first attempt to control interest rates through manipulation of the money supply was made by the Banque de France in 1847.

76. The Cagey bartender was pocketing the money for himself and replenishing bottles with his own supply purchased at a nearby liquor store

77. 12 He also warned that a slowdown in money supply growth this summer could threaten the recovery at just the wrong moment.

78. Their lives have obviously changed in the intervening years -- so that available time, money, and attention are now in more limited supply.

79. (ii) power supply; nominal AC supply voltage and/or limits of DC supply,

80. Liquidity traps can vitiate it on the downside, but when inflation threatens, tightening the money supply and raising interest rates will discourage spending.