Use "monetizing" in a sentence

1. Blogging Mistakes to Avoid When Monetizing Your Blog

2. Administration of payment transactions, for entities monetizing domain names

3. Aliph is focused on growing, protecting, and monetizing it's portfolio of consumer brands

4. Aliph is focused on growing, protecting, and monetizing it’s portfolio of consumer brands through partnerships with best-in-class licensees

5. Access to exclusive web properties Place your Ads on sites exclusively monetizing with, completely unaccessible via other ad networks

6. Welcoming the intention of the Adaptation Fund Board to start monetizing the certified emission reductions in early 2009,

7. Conversely, a business with strong skills in monetizing information assets may find that potential Acquirees with a wealth of underutilized information assets are a sweet deal.

8. Use "Acquirable" in a sentence I I chose Acquirable as opposed to profitable because of theemphasis on creating great technology and great products, and worryingabout monetizing and business plans later.

9. Now, it's having trouble monetizing its platform: a Buzzwordy way of saying it needs to make money, and that's why it's killing products like Clearly and charging for things that used to be free.