Use "mollycoddle" in a sentence

1. Let's not mollycoddle our students!

2. You shouldn't mollycoddle your kids.

3. His mother might turn him into a mollycoddle.

4. The mollycoddle does no interest in everything.

5. You see,[sentencedict .com] big sisters sometimes mollycoddle little brothers.

6. Mollycoddle them we, excessive connived at and, finally, at last they were overweight.

7. It's just a small operation, I cant mollycoddle myself, life must go on!

8. To put it simply, women mollycoddle children and animals to a ridiculous extent.

9. Of course, she did not mind it when Arthur would mollycoddle her with the same actions.

10. Cosset: 1 v treat with excessive indulgence Synonyms: baby , cocker , coddle , featherbed , indulge , mollycoddle , pamper , spoil Type of: do by , handle , treat