Use "moksha" in a sentence

1. Advaita teaches that moksha or freedom

2. If one Attains Moksha, one is set free from the eternal cycle of birth and rebirth.

3. The final stage of moksha (liberation) is the understanding that one's Atman is, in fact, Brahman.

4. And the other is Moksha-Yug Access, which is integrating rural supply chain on the foundations of self-help group-based microfinance.

5. And the other is Moksha- Yug Access, which is integrating rural supply chain on the foundations of self- help group- based microfinance.

6. 2 days ago · One who Attains moksha and reaches Siddha Kshetra, the abode of the Liberated Souls, is done with everything

7. In Theravada Buddhism, Attaining Moksha means an ending of pain and sufferings, while in Mahayana Buddhism, to attain Nirvana signifies the end of the path towards self

8. Varna and Ashrama In addition to the four main aims for Hindu living ( dharma , kama , artha and moksha ), another important dharma is varnAshrama dharma

9. Together, they make up Brahman, or Supreme Consciousness and Absolute Reality.An individual attains liberation (moksha) upon realizing that Brahman is all that exists, and that sat-Chit-ananda is the purest …

10. But when the individual frees himself from the limits imposed by finiteness through the realisation of the Absolute , he breaks through the vicious circles of karma and sansar and attains moksha ( salvation ) .

11. The Acharyas of the Sampraday are more than mere administrative heads; they are the spiritual leaders and the Guru through whom the path to Moksha (liberation) is opened

12. The goal of Advaita is to guide a person to transcend all suffering and attain moksha, freedom from the transmigratory cyclical existence of samsara, by realising the identity of the Atman with Brahman

13. Bhakti yoga is one of the four classical schools of yoga alongside Jnana (knowledge or self-study), Karma (action) and Raja (meditation), each offering a path to moksha (spiritual liberation) and self-realization.