Use "moil" in a sentence

1. ‘The amateur Apiarist was a member of York Beekeepers' Association and became known locally as ‘Mr B the bee man’, for selling honey from his garden gate.’ Word of the day moil

2. Mf MMI The Associated Ftp** Amor Ken Beweeper Further* Association Pennsylvania Newspaper Father* Association Audit bureau 0I Circulation* Maryland Delaware DC Fret* Attacca Pen SUMCIIFTION RATH Delivered by carrier ie Honorer and communise* of Verb Adam* end Carrell Cauntie* for ll 29 per week by moil payable In adience: in Fenneylvenre and

3. In one of Burns's own poems, The Cotter's Saturday Night, we get some idea of the simple home life these kindly God- fearing peasants led-- "November chill Blaws loud wi' angry sugh;* The short'ning winter-day is near a close; The miry bests retreating frae the pleugh; The black'ning trains o' craws to their repose; The toil-worn Cotter Frae his labour goes, This night his weekly moil is at an