Use "moduli" in a sentence

1. The Siegel modular forms are recognised as part of the moduli theory of abelian varieties.

2. Alternative characterisations include moduli of elasticity and rupture, and bending strength.

3. They are important in many areas, including the theories of Abelian varieties and moduli spaces, and of quadratic forms.

4. In essence, this is the approach used for determining the moduli of an algebraic or a more general structure.

5. Here, we have created a new kind of micro fiber-shaped neural probe with Alterable elastic moduli before and after implantation

6. The thixotropic characteristics of selected doughs were studied by determining the time dependence of the moduli after the amplitude had been changed.

7. Positional tendons can fail at strains as low as 6-8%, but can have moduli in the region of 700-1000 MPa.

8. The boards were tested for internal bonding (IB), moduli of elasticity (MOE) and rupture (MOR), thickness swelling and water absorption.

9. He (jointly with Jun Li) constructed virtual fundamental cycles of the moduli spaces of maps from curves in both algebraic geometry and symplectic geometry.

10. In 2005, she received a five-year EPSRC Senior Research Fellowship, to support her research on the moduli spaces of complex algebraic curves.

11. Kirwan's research interests include moduli spaces in algebraic geometry, geometric invariant theory (GIT), and in the link between GIT and moment maps in symplectic geometry.

12. These analytic results are then presented in a compact graphical form which provides a useful means for estimating the moduli when the slender inclusions have non-prolate spheroidal geometries.

13. EL was very highly related to EF, MOE, MOR and air-dry density, whereas the relationship between VL and static moduli was highly significant, but less strong.

14. He published on moduli spaces, with a theory summed up in his book Geometric Invariant Theory, on the equations defining an abelian variety, and on algebraic surfaces.

15. There he was involved in a series of collaborative works with Kunihiko Kodaira on the deformation of complex structures, which had some influence on the theory of complex manifolds and algebraic geometry, and the conception of moduli spaces.

16. He works on moduli spaces of vector bundles, higher non-abelian de Rham cohomology (Hodge theory), the theory of higher categories and computer verification of mathematical proofs (e.g. verification of proofs within Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory using Coq).

17. His results on Fourier-Mukai transforms solve many problems within algebraic geometry, and have been influential in homological and commutative algebra, orbifold and quantum cohomology, minimal model program, classification of Fano varieties, moduli constructions, representation theory and combinatorics.

18. André's first version of the conjecture was just for one dimensional subvarieties of Shimura varieties, while Oort proposed that it should work with subvarieties of the moduli space of principally polarised Abelian varieties of dimension g.

19. The frequency synthesizer includes a phase accumulator (120) comprising a plurality of individual adders (121), each adding a predefined quantity to a digit of a frequency setting word in which the individual digits are residue digits of differing moduli.