Use "modiolus" in a sentence

1. Vice-wardenship incendious Kowloon Modiolus martagons Beevish

2. 8 words related to Cochlea: tube-shaped structure, tube, basilar membrane, inner ear, internal ear, labyrinth, modiolus, organ of Corti

3. Via the venules of the tympanal wall, the wall of modiolus and the Pars ossea of the Lamina spiralis.

4. Of these findings, deficiency or absence of the modiolus was the most common, present in 45 cases (71% of all cases, 94% of abnormal Cochleas)

5. The Cochlea is a shell-shaped spiral that turns between two-and-a-half and two-and-three-quarters times around the modiolus (a central column of porous bone)

6. The Cochlea is a spiral tube that is coiled two and one-half turns around a hollow central pillar, the modiolus. It forms a cone approximately 9 mm (0.35 inch) in diameter at its base and 5 mm in height

7. The Cochlea has a base (= screw head) and an apex (=point) two membranes extend from the spiral lamina to the lateral wall of the Cochlea, dividing the bony Cochlea into 3 compartments: scala vestibuli, scala tympani and scala media (= Cochlear duct) the scalae wind around the modiolus ~3 times, defining apical, middle and basal turns