Use "modernise" in a sentence

1. We have no option but to modernise.

2. They decided not to modernise the Victorian decor.

3. Industries unable to modernise have been left to wither.

4. They wanted to modernise the programme, sex it up.

5. There is a pressing need to modernise our electoral system.

6. They attempted in vain to modernise these antiquated industries.

7. 2 Romania badly needs aid to modernise its outmoded industries.

8. It will take many years to modernise these antiquated industries.

9. They decided not to modernise the Victorian de & 1 & cor.

10. RAF Hercules fleet to be Axed under plans to modernise Britain’s military

11. - modernise aging rail networks which are suffering from underinvestment dating back many years;

12. During the 1980s, Chinese government tried to modernise the country's underdeveloped telecommunications infrastructure.

13. We must also fundamentally reform and modernise our regulatory architecture and authorities.

14. The government has announced an ambitious programme to modernise the railway network.

15. • internal control/decentralised management systems brought in under the policy to modernise EU accounts,

16. We are helping Shanghai as much as possible to modernise the market, Tsang said.

17. 26 The company is caught in a double bind.If it doesn't modernise it won't make money, but if it does modernise they'll have to make people redundant because they won't need them any more.

18. The first option has its logic: why let a repressive, demeaning system modernise itself slowly?

19. In the early 1990s, Malaysia undertook a major program to expand and modernise its armed forces.

20. The knee - jerk assumption of he argues, is that as countries modernise they take on western characteristics.

21. Education, research and innovation - three pivotal elements - must always act in concert to help universities modernise.

22. The report urges countries to repair and modernise irrigation systems and use better drip - fed farming.

23. Several important steps have been taken to modernise, rationalise and strengthen our defence security and intelligence apparatus.

24. This is actually talking about the base erosion and profit sharing action plan to modernise international tax rules.

25. It is also necessary to modernise education systems and adapt them to the needs of the times.

26. The government says its plans will modernise the NHS, improve services and reinvest savings in front line care.

27. It will help them to modernise and diversify their economies and alleviate the social and economic costs of the transition.

28. 26 The government says its plans will modernise the NHS, improve services and reinvest savings in front line care.

29. Stalin's desire to modernise agriculture led him to Collectivise the farms, amalgamating them and putting them totally under state control

30. Stresses the need to adjust and modernise the European social model in order for it to remain a core element of our European society

31. When this newspaper first denounced Mr Berlusconi, many Italian businesspeople replied that only his roguish, entrepreneurial chutzpah offered any chance to modernise the economy.

32. New technical solutions are needed to modernise or build new detectors for CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in existence.

33. His military ambition required him to modernise the country: he built industries, a system of canals for irrigation and transport, and reformed the civil service.

34. It commits with ambitious reforms to modernise the public administration, increase social protection, upgrade the skill level of the labour force and improve governance in state-owned enterprises.

35. It commits with ambitious reforms to modernise the public administration, increase social protection, upgrade the skill level of the labour force and improve governance in State-owned enterprises.

36. The government was already attempting to modernise its approach to social welfare in an attempt to impress on the British colonial administration that there was no need for the region to be annexed.

37. Joshi helped Gopal modernise the watermill by replacing the wooden turbine with an iron one , fitting it with ball bearings and installing a steel lining into the wooden flume to allow the water to flow smoothly .

38. It underscored the need to pursue differentiated, growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, to restore normal lending conditions to the economy, to promote growth and competitiveness, to tackle unemployment and the social consequences of the crisis, and to modernise public administration.

39. Cloud Comrade and Google Cloud Partner to Accelerate ICT SME Cloud Adoption via IMDA’s GoCloud Initiative GoCloud with Cloud Comrade will help ICT SMEs modernise their IT infrastructure and enhance their digital capabilities to be future-ready SINGAPORE, 8 January 2020—Cloud Comrade, a ..

40. Unlike harmonisation, which is based on absolute values and which denies the differences in Europe, convergence is about setting minimum and maximum levels, a range of values; it is about creating a framework in which the various Member States of the Union must operate and modernise their economies.

41. Beginning in the early 80s, The New Blockaders sought to use and modernise ideas from Luigi Russolo and the Futurist movement through newly available electronic equipment, quickly becoming one of the more important bands of the early noise and industrial scene with a number of highly charged and confrontational performances and critically regarded recordings.

42. 13. agrees in this connection with the Commission that so far the ERDF has mainly helped to modernise and build up a complete information and communications infrastructure and, in particular, a basic telephony network and that now - since most investments have become profitable - the bulk of the ERDF contribution should focus on the demand side and on creating and consolidating a multimedia services supply market supported by an advanced infrastructure;