Use "mobilized" in a sentence

1. DUNF soon mobilized the opposition against the Premadasa government.

2. 21 They successfully mobilized public opinion against him.

3. The army was mobilized and encircled the airport.

4. Provinces throughout China were mobilized to provide supplies.

5. Additional resources must be mobilized in order to strengthen action strategies.

6. We mobilized the elite and got huge support from the media.

7. Farmers mobilized considerable support against government plans to remove import restrictions.

8. We have also mobilized state resources to help local authorities.

9. The state police and the national guard are being mobilized right now.

10. Sailors mobilized to search for survivors wandered through the ruins in a daze.

11. Since 5/96 we have mobilized the complete gastric fundus in 23 patients.

12. An hour ago, China mobilized forces and now Russia is following suit.

13. Synonyms for Cranked include started, activated, actuated, mobilised, mobilized, triggered, drove, drave, driven and druv

14. Initially, the Nepali government mobilized the Nepal Police to contain the insurgency.

15. After surgery the patient could be mobilized and the pain was significantly reduced.

16. Substantial possibilities of popular upheaval, mobilized by a vigorous left, were very real.

17. At that time, the Haganah fielded 10,000 mobilized men along with 40,000 reservists.

18. Britain was probably the most efficiently and successfully mobilized combatant in the Second World War.

19. The government mobilized troops, ostensibly to maintain order and the running of public services.

20. 22 But with just one piece of vertebras mobilized, the whole picture will start to change.

21. The black and Hispanic community mobilized in the belief that the shoplifting charges and the shooting were unjustified.

22. This was the one international issue between the Boer War and 1914 which mobilized large public demonstrations.

23. During the First Intifada, whole sectors of the Palestinian civilian population mobilized, cutting across generations, factions and class lines.

24. 25 Allied troops begin maneuvers tomorrow to show how quickly forces could be mobilized in case of a new invasion.

25. Simple mechanisms are fitted to the observed deformation patterns, allowing the mobilized soil strength to be back-calculated.

26. It was the language of purity which mobilized many women to develop a trenchant critique of male sexuality.

27. With that he mobilized his trained men, 318 servants born in his household, and went in pursuit up to Dan.

28. She organized and mobilized women for the Parti Solidaire Africain an organization whose goal was freeing African colonial rule.

29. For two years she had awaited the turn of events before deciding which side to join, while maintaining a mobilized army.

30. The then District Sackmann here immediately mobilized the relevant authorities and led all the safeguards for endangered art objects On.

31. In July, Governor DuVal mobilized the militia and ordered the Tallahassee and Miccosukee chiefs to meet him in St. Marks.

32. Relief Society should be organized, aligned, and mobilized to strengthen families and help our homes to be sacred sanctuaries from the world.

33. At the time, there were only women, children and old people in the village, as all the young men had been mobilized for the war.

34. The public mobilized to protest the draft, with 50,000 people demonstrating at Sanam Luang on 19 November 1991, the largest protest in Thailand since 1976.

35. Analysis of the results appear to indicate that the adhesion of the piles is the fully mobilized undrained shear strength of the clay.

36. Mere centuries ago, Europeans settled a vast, relatively unpopulated continent, where they enjoyed unprecedented freedom and opportunity as their government mobilized them to settle the frontier.

37. Yo Soy Chicana: A Chicana Feminist Movement Social upheaval dominated the 1960s and 1970s as newly mobilized communities fought for equality in the U.S.

38. However, several days later, reports arrived that Wang was not killed, and the troops were again mobilized, much to the soldiers' distress and anger.

39. They mobilized the whole community of Le Barón to go to Chihuahua, where they organized a sit- in in the central park of the city.

40. Anwar Sadat and King Hussein crossed important thresholds, and their boldness and vision mobilized peace constituencies in Israel and paved the way for lasting agreements.

41. Since 2004, Global Brigades has mobilized thousands of university students and professionals through nine skill-based service programs to improve quality of life in under resourced communities

42. From a structuralist perspective, a RwL is a research infrastructure in which interpretative schemes and norms as well as Allocative and authoritative resources are mobilized for real-world experiments.

43. Accordingly, an entourage of security guards were hired, and public security departments in Jiangsu Province and Nanjing mobilized more than 300 police officers to ensure the safety of the studio.

44. They range from the initial stages of “in situ” mobilization through examples with relatively small exchange of mobilized rock material to intrusive bodies of diorite with virtually no geochemical relation to the adjoining country rock.

45. Basophils comprise only a small percentage (∼ 0·5%) of circulating blood cells under steady-state conditions, but rapidly expand in the bone marrow in response to inflammatory signals and are mobilized to the blood, spleen, lung and liver.

46. Berain Mineral Water and healthy water is mobilized from natural groundwater wells It is purified at several stages of the filtration process and characterized by its natural stability This unique flask is simply more water-packed High quality refreshing taste Customer Reviews

47. There is concern that the firewall available may not be adequate to deal with contagion. The resources currently expected to be mobilized by Europe and the IMF are less than was estimated a year ago, and the crisis is actually more serious.

48. The Vietnamese government has mobilized a massive army of paid “collaborators on social opinions” (Cong tac vien du luan xa hoi), often referred to as “public opinion shapers” (du luan vien), whose job is to promote official propaganda and to combat views deemed hostile to the ruling party and government.

49. Chartism was the first movement both working class in character and national in scope that grew out of the protest against the injustices of the new industrial and political order in Britain. While composed of working people, Chartism was also mobilized around populism as well as clan identity

50. Accepter obsolete, old-fashioned, out-of-date; unfashionable hers neighbouring rights flying time citovatelnost Autism (Arabian Mythology) genius or demon; genie, jinn, spirit which is often contained in a bottle and can grant wishes (Arabian Folklore) tight rigid necklace mobilized hay ragged poto Insulin antibodies semel et semper granny

51. The government has mobilized a massive army of paid “collaborators on social opinions” (Cong tac vien du luan xa hoi), often referred to as “public opinion shapers” (du luan vien), whose job is to promote official propaganda and to combat views deemed hostile to the ruling party and government.

52. The Cartilaginous framework was displaced inferiorly and posteriorly, and moved back and forth (the mobilized septum cartilage may need to be moved either to the right or to the left of the SP, so that the Cartilaginous framework moves posteriorly) (see Supplemental Digital Content 5, Separation of the nasal bones from the cartilage framework

53. During the Russian Civil War (1917–1923), Cossack leaders and their governments generally sided with the White movement.As a result, the majority of Cossack soldiers were mobilized against the Red Army.As the Soviets emerged victorious in the civil war, many Cossack veterans, fearing reprisals and the Bolsheviks’ de-Cossackization policies, fled abroad to countries in Central

54. It is nearly Axiomatic that voters in an election typically prefer the more likable candidate.: By 1918, the use of military camouflage was Axiomatic, and in 1939 war artists were again mobilized to advise on concealment.: It is Axiomatic that every generation thinks the music of its youth was a benchmark of pop greatness.: In the context of the pervasive nineteenth century idealism of Hegel