Use "moaning" in a sentence

1. Angry, snarling crying; piteous moaning.

2. Ignore the moaning and squeaking.

3. What are you moaning about now?

4. He kept moaning on and on.

5. I heard a low moaning noise.

6. There's no point in moaning and groaning.

7. What are you moaning on about now?

8. I'm sick and tired of your moaning.

9. The wind was moaning through the trees.

10. I've had a bellyful of your moaning.

11. They kept moaning on about their illnesses.

12. My mum never stops moaning at me.

13. What are you moaning about this time?

14. He's always moaning about not being treated properly.

15. He's always moaning about how poor he is.

16. Oh, belt up, I'm tired of your moaning.

17. Stop moaning; you really have nothing to complain about.

18. They could hear the wind moaning in the trees.

19. He's always moaning that we use too much electricity.

20. Your moaning tinged with lucidity stirs a bitter brew. "

21. She was getting a bit sick of his moaning.

22. The girl started moaning My chair squeaked in shock.

23. She's always moaning. It really gets on my nerves.

24. Cage is always moaning about not being treated equally.

25. ♪ The winds were moaning in the night ♪

26. They were moaning over the death of their father.

27. Pretty soon, my boys was moaning and rolling their eyes.

28. I'm tired of him moaning and groaning all the time.

29. The unwilling children climbed into the bus, moaning and groaning.

30. The scroll was full of “dirges and moaning and wailing.”

31. You guys should just stop moaning and get a life!

32. She's always moaning that she has too much work to do.

33. He has a fever and he's moaning but his eyes won't open.

34. They're always moaning and groaning about how much they have to do.

35. I awoke in the middle of the night to Father’s familiar moaning.

36. There's no point in moaning and groaning about not having any money.

37. Auscultation means listening to the patient's voice, speaking, respiration, coughing and moaning.

38. Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.

39. They were all moaning and groaning about the amount of work they had.

40. Peacock, but rather a sort of moaning melody, half music and half Bewailment

41. Sacrilege. This is madness, Gallian. you go too far. [ People moaning, Screaming ] [ Man ]

42. 1 Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.

43. A moaning sound while exhaling may merely be air passing over relaxed vocal chords.

44. I could hear Hilda moaning, then the grunts, laughter and jeering of the soldiers.

45. Synonyms for Beefing include carping, complaining, fussing, moaning, grousing, growling, grumbling, whining, bleating and griping

46. Here , in the wretched room, her father's moaning was the dominant note and seemed irrefutable.

47. The girl was now writhing and moaning faintly, barely conscious of what was happening to her.

48. Moments later, he heard a low moaning rumble over the hills, a sound like a foghorn.

49. I am afraid of the rejection of others if I am “caught” whining, complaining, Bitching or moaning.

50. He'd no patience with women putting on airs and moaning about the most natural thing in the world.

51. She's moaning about all your dental appointments, saying it would be better if you could go after school.

52. The other people in the queue had obviously been waiting longer than I and were moaning and groaning.

53. Cricket: they can hand it out but they can't take it; Barmy Army hit back at moaning Langer's taunts.

54. Bedevilled so, and moaning at her desk, she might have frozen there had not Pedro come fretfully to her side.

55. She attacks, but never lets herself be drawn too far away from the recumbent, moaning body of her mistress.

56. Brexiters moaning that the EU are being mean and we are loosing various things that are tied to EU membership

57. 3 She began to writhe as they drew closer still, gasping and moaning as her hips matched the rhythm of his demands.

58. View in context For some time the lion paced, growling and moaning, beneath the tree in which Jane Clayton Crouched , panting and trembling.

59. "I was listening to Tony Blair moaning about you all being anti- American, " she says, ever-so-prim in her pretty pink pinafore.

60. You found them moaning in the poorhouse and had them carted back to your garret and opened up their bellies to see what was inside.

61. Bitching, complaining, yet some people who ain't got shit to eat Bitching, moaning, so many people you know what they got What are we doing? We're

62. The whining, complaining, Bitching and moaning, while it didn’t sound so very great, was coming up because I had an overload of feelings and a need for an outlet

63. A Sparrow Takes a Beakful of Water,” which opens on with spoken words, followed by the entry of marine tones, almost a moaning sound, along with trickling liquid sounds

64. If you search for at least 5 seconds on Reddit, you'll find scores of people moaning and Begroaning about how nobody wants them, and how no one will ever love them

65. My car has 21K miles and already had Clunk/drivetrain + loud obnoxious motor moaning noise at 70+mph issues about 10K miles ago, resulting in complete drivetrain replacement and instant elimination of all concerns (yay)

66. When touring the vast spooky dungeons you may hear the moaning foghorn of the ferries to Sweden – a sound that can make " each particular hair to stand an end , like quills upon the fretful porpentine .

67. I parked up and, as check-in at Basky was not until 4pm, rubbed my hands gleefully at the thought of my 'extra' days Browsage with no old men, moaning spouses or 2-year-old tornadoes to worry about

68. Moaning and tumult in the house we hear, / wailings of misery, and shouts that smite / the golden stars, and women's shrieks of fear, / and trembing matrons, hurrying left and right, / cling to and kiss the doors, made frantic by affright.

69. ‘The Crotchety and the crooked have their vulnerabilities and kindnesses, and no-one is wholly good or bad.’ ‘If my feet are comfortable, then I don't get Crotchety and start moaning.’ ‘It's hard to stay Crotchety about Christmas when my flatmates are all spirited.’

70. A Battement tendu with a pas de cheval; a Battement tendu flexing the foot in the extended position, then repointing it and closing; a Battement tendu with a transfer of weight; a Battement tendu into temps lie; So next time your teacher asks you to do a Battement tendu, rather than moaning, think of all the benefits you are gaining as a dancer.

71. Lachlan sat alone in his Bothie, busily employed, in twisting his oat straw siaman, humming to himself, and listening to the sound of the torrent as it dashed over the rooks, the pattering of the heavy rain, and the sheughs of the north-west wind, moaning as it passed along, all of which only served to increase his sense of comfort as he drew his three-legged stool nearer to the bright peat