Use "mitochondrion-specific ribosome" in a sentence

1. The ribosome is the site of protein synthesis.

2. A long, tubular mitochondrion with many platelike cristae is present.

3. The prey became the mitochondrion, the cellular organ that produces energy.

4. Their rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum was extended and mitochondrion swollen.

5. Northeast Basketmakers Guild Ribosome by Powered by WordPress

6. The mitochondrion is therefore a really essential part of the cell.

7. Smaller Chaperones protect proteins just after they leave the ribosome

8. The proto-mitochondrion was probably closely related to the Rickettsia.

9. The mitochondrion is a machine within the cell that does the chemistry of breathing.

10. Ribosome Ribosomes are structures in which proteins are made.

11. The RNA sequence helps recruit the ribosome to the messenger RNA (mRNA) to initiate protein synthesis by aligning the ribosome with the start codon.

12. There were abundant mitochondria, rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and ribosome.

13. The professor says ribosome is central to the survival of any organization , if organism.

14. As a result the ribosome produces only virus protein viral proteins.

15. The professor says ribosome is central to the survival of any organism.

16. The professor says ribosome is central to the survival of any oragnismorganism.

17. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum of hepatic cells was hyperplasia, occasional giant mitochondrion.

18. Later work clearly showed that a ribosome contains many different proteins.

19. As a stop codon reaches the A - site of a translating ribosome , either termination or readthrough occurs.

20. This correlation suggests that RNA structure modulates ribosome elongation to promote native protein folding.

21. The signal peptide, emerging from the ribosome, binds to the signal - recognition particle ( SRP ).

22. Such a gross classification certainly does not account the many smaller ribosome size differences reported.

23. The proteins are constructed in the cell, outside the mitochondrion, just like all non - mitochondrial proteins.

24. A single ribosome, especially one that is combined with a molecule of messenger RNA.

25. Anticodon A triplet sequence of nucleotides in transfer-RNA that during protein synthesis (see RIBOSOME) binds by base pairing to a complementary sequence, the so-called codon, in messenger-RNA attached to a ribosome

26. Ribosomes are structures in which are made . As a result the ribosome produces only viral proteins.

27. At present , it is found that apoptosis have a close relation with the construction and function of mitochondrion.

28. 16 This correlation suggests that RNA structure modulates ribosome elongation to promote native protein folding.

29. Altman's area of expertise is the structure of ribosome, minute structures that synthesize proteins inside cells.

30. The less energy produced by mitochondrion in retina's internal reticular layer shows the inactivity of the ganglion cell.

31. The start codon is the first codon of a messenger RNA (mRNA) transcript translated by a ribosome.

32. Back to Typical Animal Cell Mitochondrion Membrane-bound organelle and the site of aerobic respiration and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production.

33. The protein is then released from the ribosome and goes to do its work as a building block.

34. 5 There are rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion,[] lysosome and other kinds of organelles in the cytoplasm of monocyte.

35. PZ 1 inhibited the combination of viral RNA with plant ribosome both in vitro and in vivo.

36. 5 As for the cytoplasm, there were the dilation of the ERs, turgidity of the mitochondrion, the disarrangement, diminution and vacuolization.

37. Many research teams have been striving to determine the structure of a eukaryote ribosome (see 'Structures of desire').

38. It is almost true to say that we know how the genetic program determines the shape of a ribosome.

39. Ribosome Biogenesis is an energetically and logistically demanding process that is tightly regulated to facilitate controlled cell growth and survival

40. Effects of panax notoginseng saponins for the mitochondrion calcium in early stage of ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat liver are much more obvious.

41. Ribosomes- ribosomes of Chloroplast are smaller than cytoplasmic ribosome and are of 70S type and resemble with the bacterial ribosomes

42. Specific promoters are activated in specific cells.

43. They can control precisely where the nanotube penetrates a cell, for example, and een pinpoint smaller cell structures, such as the nucleus or mitochondrion .

44. The encoded protein associates with the inner membrane of the mitochondrion where it accepts electrons from Cytochrome b and transfers them to the Cytochrome oxidase complex.

45. L-Abrine (N-Methyl-L-tryptophan), an extremely toxic toxalbumin found in the seeds of the rosary pea, is a ribosome inhibiting protein

46. Some specific foods are linked to specific cancers.

47. Provided are ribosome binding sites having an increased number of adenine (A) and thymidine (T) residues as compared to the naturally occurring ribosome binding sites from which they are derived or to which they are related, which allow high level expression of genes encoding heterologous polypeptides, particularly somatotropins, operatively linked thereto.

48. Both specific surface area and specific volume increased.

49. These reports are agency-specific, process specific (import, export, transit), and trade specific (Customs broker, transporter), etc.

50. Like antibiotics, specific Antivirals are used for specific viruses

51. Once the connection between chloramphenicol and the procaryotic ribosome was discerned, it made sense that under certain conditions, chloramphenicol might inhibit eucaryotic cells.

52. Specific introductions.

53. The length of mitochondrion-endoplasmic reticulum (M-ER) Appositions is increased in Psen1-/-/Psen2-/- double knockout murine embryonic fibroblasts and in fibroblasts from AD-affected individuals

54. It's specific.

55. In addition, biome-specific Crates can contain biome-specific loot

56. Cristae are the infoldings of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion. They are studded with proteins, including ATP synthase and a variety of cytochromes, and function in cellular respiration

57. Ballasts are designed to operate with a specific type of lamp of a specific type at a specific voltage

58. Transport of oxaloacetate Oxaloacetate, the product of the first step in gluconeogenesis , must leave the mitochondrion and enter the cytosol where the subsequent enzyme steps take place.

59. Chloroplast: Known as the powerhouse of the cell, it is responsible for energy metabolism and cellular respiration: Larger and much more complex than a mitochondrion, it is the site where photosynthesis takes place

60. Devise specific tactics.

61. The invention further provides antibodies specific for ADMA; antibodies specific for modified SDMA; and antibodies specific for modified arginine.

62. Cristae) a fold in the inner membrane of a MITOCHONDRION enclosing a cisterna-like space inside the fold, on which the electron-transport reactions of AEROBIC RESPIRATION take place

63. Specific Backwardness Treatment

64. — Specific wave guide

65. Barless Blowzing other than March 1, 2013 3:37 am are solving specific problems and helping specific… people with a specific problem

66. Specific Bequests: A specific bequest is a gift (bequest) or a specific item or asset to a named person or entity

67. Dangers of Specific Bequests and General Bequests Posted September 7, 2011 March 12, 2021 Kevin Pollock A specific bequest is a gift of a specific piece of property to a specific person.

68. The dosage for Allopurinol depends upon the specific patient and the specific problem

69. Zygorhizidium affluens Canter and Z. planktonicum Canter have monocentric operculate sporangia and zoospores which have single lipid globules to which the cell nucleus and single mitochondrion are closely adpressed.

70. And if you want to get more specific, it's actually specific zip codes.

71. We monitor specific activity.

72. Diffuse Alveolar hemorrhage is not a specific disorder, but a syndrome that has a specific differential diagnosis and a specific sequence of testing

73. You may select a specific country, language or channel to get more specific estimates.

74. And the specific barrier is a specific epitope called the galactosyl, or gal epitope.

75. In a news release, the Swedish academy said the three were being honored "for having showed what the ribosome looks like and how it functions at the atomic level."

76. (g) aggregate, project-specific and country-specific financial and technological support to developing countries;

77. Embassy/Consulate-Specific Information

78. Bluejacks are location specific

79. Information about specific Chromosomes

80. He was very specific.