Use "mitigated" in a sentence

1. 17 Her words mitigated my suffering.

2. 15 He gladly accepted the mitigated penalty.

3. That problem of competing claims is mitigated.

4. 16 The living conditions were slightly mitigated.

5. Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees.

6. 18 Clym's grief became mitigated by wearing itself out.

7. 20 Unacceptable risks are mitigated by design or by other means.

8. 19 The warped phenomenon is mitigated when the chordal height decreases.

9. Germany, Japan, and other countries absorbed and mitigated the shock waves.

10. 14 Systematic risk can be mitigated only by being hedged.

11. 1 Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees.

12. 11 He had an aristocratic demeanor,( mitigated by terrific street cred.

13. The caveat emptor doctrine has been mitigated by the implied terms as to quality.

14. Preparation of addition polymerization catalysts via lewis acid mitigated metal center oxidation

15. Rather, it's something that has to be identified, acknowledged and mitigated against.

16. But increasingly the vagaries of the weather are mitigated by snow-blowers.

17. 3 But increasingly the vagaries of the weather are mitigated by snow-blowers.

18. Once we increase access to technology, the challenge of digital literacy will be mitigated.

19. 10 This myth has persistently mitigated against a recognition of other centres of cultural activity.

20. 5 These are not mitigated by the presence of recognizable and attractive actors and actresses.

21. 21 The cost of getting there is mitigated by Sydney's offer of a subsidy.

22. This myth has persistently mitigated against a recognition of other centres of cultural activity.

23. These are not mitigated by the presence of recognizable and attractive actors and actresses.

24. The quick action by the two security agents significantly mitigated the breadth of this terrorist attack.

25. 30 The degree or materiality of exposure can be as risk mitigated by establishing control activities.

26. 22 As a result,[] at least some of the Bill's dire consequences were mitigated.

27. 13 It was not mitigated by the presence of the odd woman in the cabinet.

28. Synonyms for Cushioned include softened, deadened, lessened, mitigated, muffled, diminished, stifled, allayed, alleviated and blunted

29. 12 Fortunately marital failure had been mitigated by the public knowledge of her lover's wealth.

30. 2 The caveat emptor doctrine has been mitigated by the implied terms as to quality.

31. 7 Although delays were mitigated and judicial efficiency improved, the courts continued to exercise little moral authority.

32. To a large extent, calibration variability can be mitigated with carefully controlled cultivation conditions, employing modern Chemostats.

33. A certain nervous expectation, incipient disappointment mitigated by professional Micawberism, is a more accurate description.

34. 8 A certain nervous expectation, incipient disappointment mitigated by professional Micawberism, is a more accurate description.

35. Butcherly definition: accompanied by bloodshed synonyms: gory, sanguinary, slaughterous, sanguineous, bloody antonyms: bloodless, merciful, mitigated, competent

36. 6 Between 1937 and 1941 he discovered drugs which mitigated the worst symptoms of these maladies.

37. 28 Once occurring fire in the plant , pyrophoric material leaks must be minimized for their consequences mitigated.

38. Consequently, since every pleasure Assuages sorrow, as stated above , it follows that sorrow is mitigated by a sympathizing friend

39. This type of damage can be mitigated with Bludgeoning damage immunity, Bludgeoning damage resistance, or general damage reduction

40. In addition, procedural difficulties in the acquisition of lands required for important national projects required to be mitigated.

41. The reined-in impatience which so often emanated from Ian was absent, Theodora's gravitas mitigated and Julia's social nervousness sedated.

42. Clamor definition: a loud harsh or strident noise synonyms: cacophony, noise, blare, blaring, din antonyms: contraindicate, shout, close up, specify, mitigated

43. The extra area (and some latency) can be mitigated by keeping virtual hints with each cache entry instead of virtual tags.

44. 24 The reined-in impatience which so often emanated from Ian was absent, Theodora's gravitas mitigated and Julia's social nervousness sedated.

45. Accordable Corporate Solutions teams offer plug-and-play benefits with mitigated risk, accountability, transparency and a single point of contact

46. Overpopulation can be mitigated by birth control; some nations, like the People's Republic of China, use strict measures to reduce birth rates.

47. Finally, we hope against hope that we have the courage to ensure that this type of catastrophe can be prevented or mitigated.

48. 29 Any briber who confesses the bribery voluntarily prior to prosecution may be given a mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.

49. The briber who confesses actively his bribery before being prosecuted may be given a mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.

50. Any briber who confesses the bribery voluntarily prior to prosecution may be given a mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.

51. 23 The summit's failure to address environmental issues may however be mitigated by meeting of G7 environment ministers later this year.

52. What are the benefits of using Aerogel insulation? The disadvantages of Aerogels can be mitigated by combining it with other materials, forming Aerogel

53. 9 An incredible horror-barely mitigated by the gallantry award and hero's status he had earned by staking his own life.

54. Athelstan was an able administrator and made many good laws, which combated theft, oppression and fraud and mitigated severity to young offenders

55. 4 He mitigated the problem by saying that the Son's generation by the Father is no event in time but is eternal.

56. This negative effect, however, would be mitigated or potentially eliminated by the entry of other firms attracted by the high prices and abnormal profits.

57. Surface Asperities, such as roughness characteristics, are reduced or otherwise mitigated via the control of surface regions including the Asperities in different regimes

58. Welfare for Autocrats offers some interesting research on how China has mitigated large uprisings through the distribution of payments in its welfare system

59. By decreasing the Ca-rich raw material in a cement composition, the content of Alite (Ca3SiO5) per ton of produced cement can be mitigated.

60. Adaptational lag to temperature in valley oak (Quercus lobata) can be mitigated by genome-informed assisted gene flow Luke Brownea,b, Jessica W

61. Churring definition: make a vibrant sound, as of some birds synonyms: utter, whirr, emit, let loose, let out antonyms: whisper, shout, close up, specify, mitigated

62. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS: The problems encountered with the Adorl composition have been mitigated by using the less silica-rich ADOR2 composition, but not eliminated.

63. The effects of possible overlapping of signal in time are avoided or mitigated by multiple source separation techniques based on least squares algebraic processing.

64. Potential Crises will be postponed or mitigated as a result. From the Cambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web

65. This chapter acknowledges the potential ecosystem services that can be provided by suspension-feeding Bivalves—as long as negative influences are effectively avoided or mitigated.

66. “The Avalanche danger in the Northern San Juan Mountain Zone is in ‘Considerable’ hazard and due to the unstable snowpack we are experiencing natural and mitigated Avalanche activity

67. A further check must be performed for the particular filter used, checking on the spectrogram that also UV and IR are mitigated with the same value.

68. But beyond that tabloid-ready story line, let alone 38DD questions about whether Stormy’s Bazooms are real or silicone-enhanced, lurk these intriguing angles: * Trump could have mitigated the

69. Benevolent dictatorship A manner of ruling that is or resembles a dictatorship, the authoritarianism of which is ostensibly mitigated or justified by the benefits afforded to the people under its control

70. 26 This makes sense, as the grid-to-plate capacitance is small and the larger grid-to-cathode capacitance is mitigated by the cathode following the grid in phase.

71. 27 Reflection can be reduced, even dispelled, through some proper measures of receiving termination while crosstalk can be mitigated via some measures, such as shortening the length of parallel line, in...

72. 22 By the Construction phase, with the technical risks effectively mitigated, the principal focus turns to the question "Can we get all the work done by the end of the phase?"

73. 25 If he fails to take such measures, the party in Breach may claim a reduction in the damages in the amount by which the loss should have been mitigated.

74. After the introduction of the depository system by the Depository Act of 1996, the process for sales, purchases and transfers of shares became significantly easier and most of the risks associated with paper certificates were mitigated.

75. A patient with PTSD and co-occurring bipolar disorder where an Antidepressant could cause mood instability that could be mitigated with a mood stabilizing medication (such as lithium or an anti-epileptic medication) before prescribing an SSRI.

76. Akin to practices in the US and Australia, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is a UK government organisation responsible for ensuring that risks to people's health and safety from work activities are properly controlled and mitigated.

77. Risks associated with increasing NPLs have been mitigated by a prudent loan-loss provisioning policy, although provisions continue to put a strain on profitability (return on equity reached 6% in H1 2013 after 3 years of losses).

78. The soil in these parts comes from alluvial sediment and is characterised by a balanced texture linked to the high clay content mitigated by the presence of sand and often shingle, which ensure that air and water can circulate freely

79. Compensating controls may be considered for most PCI DSS requirements when an entity cannot meet a requirement explicitly as stated, due to legitimate technical or documented business constraints, but has sufficiently mitigated the risk associated with the requirement through implementation of other, or Compensating, controls.

80. NEEDLING OF CONGENITAL CATARACTS Although much has been made of the risk of multiple Anesthetizations sometimes re quired in using needling operations, this is perhaps mitigated by the fact that the anes thesia may be on a superficial plane and of only the briefest duration.