Use "mithridates" in a sentence

1. However, Mithridates V and his son Mithridates VI partially abandoned oriental influences in the coin portraitry.

2. Mithridates took revenge and inflicted terrible punishments.

3. Mithridates then ordered the conscriptions and preparations for war.

4. Mithridates was the first son of Roman Client Monarchs Aspurgus and Gepaepyris.

5. Mithridates then deposed Nicomedes IV from Bithynia, placing Socrates Chrestus on the throne.

6. Mithridates would retain the rest of his holdings and become an ally of Rome.

7. In 97 Cappadocia rebelled, but the uprising was swiftly put down by Mithridates.

8. Mithridates quickly put down the rebellion, exiled Arirarathes VIII, and restored his son to the Cappadocian throne.

9. While Mithridates retired to Hyrcania, his forces subdued the kingdoms of Elymais and Characene and occupied Susa.

10. Mithridates was able to entice the leaders of the local tribes and deserters into becoming his allies.

11. In the autumn of 88 Mithridates also placed Rhodes under siege, but he failed to take it.

12. In Athens, anti-Roman elements were emboldened by the news and soon formed an alliance with Mithridates.

13. Mithridates massed his army, some 30,000 men and 2,000–3,000 cavalry, in the heights of Dasteira in lesser Armenia.

14. His father sent Mithridates to Pergamon to be educated, where he became a leading citizen of that city.

15. The senate decided that Lucius Cornelius Sulla, who was then one of the consuls, would command the army against Mithridates.

16. His birth name was Mithridates, but he changed his name to Antiochus III Epiphanes once he took over the throne.

17. He was the grandson of Phriapatius and came to power during the troubled times around the end of the reign of Mithridates II.

18. And Rome, because it needed to deal with Mithridates, would be able to have a sphere of influence in the territory to the west.

19. The altar inscribes the names of seven generations of family members, including the names of Mithridates, of his father and of his wife.

20. He went east because of problems in Asia Minor perpetrated by Mithridates VI of Pontus, who had designs on territory within Rome's sphere of influence.

21. Mithridates II was the first to be shown wearing the Parthian tiara, embroidered with pearls and jewels, a headdress commonly worn in the late Parthian period and by Sassanid monarchs.

22. The earliest coins of Mithridates I show him wearing the soft cap, yet coins from the latter part of his reign show him for the first time wearing the royal Hellenistic diadem.

23. Mithridates V, was a great benefactor to the Hellenic culture which shows on surviving coinage and honorific inscriptions stating his donations in Athens and Delos and held the Greek God Apollo in great veneration.

24. Antiochis, married in 194 BC King Ariarathes IV of Cappadocia Mithridates (215–164 BC), succeeded his brother Seleucus IV Philopator in 175 BC under the regnal name Antiochus IV Epiphanes In 191 BC, Antiochus III married a girl from Chalcis, whom he named "Euboea".