Use "missa" in a sentence

1. Mass in D major, Op. Missa Solemnis: Benedictus.

2. Commissariat de Tampy Saison 1 - Episode 16 : Conflit d'interetRéalisateur : Missa Hébié

3. For some choral music - the Missa Solemnis we were watching on film - you don't use a baton either.

4. Commissariat de Tampy Saison 1 - Episode 01 : Le portefeuilleRéalisateur : Missa Hébié

5. In addition, Sancta Missa serves to deepen the Faithful's spirituality and understanding of the Mass of the Ages.

6. ‎Listen to songs and albums by Choeur Grégorien Antiphona, including "Missa in assumptione beatae mariae virginis : Kyrie 1er ton (Plain jeu plain-chant fugue christie, Plain-chant christe, Récit christe, Plain-chant basse de cromorne plain-chant dialogue)," "Missa in assumptione beatae mariae virginis : Gloria 5ème ton (Gloria et in terra pax laudamus te benedecimus te adoramus te

7. Antiphona Resurrexi Kyrie - Christe- Kyrie Gloria Graduale Haec Dies Alleluia - Pascha Nostrum Sequentia Victimae Paschali Laudes Offertorium Terra Tremuit Sanctus - Benedictus Agnus Dei Communio Pascha Nostrum Ite Missa Est Antiphona Regina Caeli, Laetare Responsorium Christus Resurgens Hymnus Salve Festa Dies Hymnus Ad Coenam Hymnus Hic Est Dies

8. Mass , CHAPTER AND Conventual.—As a general rule, churches in which the Divine office is to be said publicly every day must also have Mass said daily.This Mass is the “Conventual” Mass (missa Conventualis); it completes, with the canonical Hours, the official public service of God in such a church

9. Collect, the name now used only for the short prayers before the Epistle in the Mass, which occur again at Lauds, Terce, Sext, None, and Vespers.The word Collecta corresponds to the Greek GK cn vaEts.It is a noun, a late form for Collectio (so missa for missio, oblata for oblatio, ascensa, in the Gelasian Sacramentary, for ascensio, etc.).The original meaning seems to have been this: it was