Use "misplaced" in a sentence

1. Misplaced Optimism

2. I've misplaced my passport.

3. Again, such timidity is misplaced.

4. I've misplaced my glasses again.

5. His optimism proved sadly misplaced.

6. His trust was not misplaced.

7. My confidence in him was misplaced.

8. There are no dangling participles or misplaced modifiers.

9. His trust in them was misplaced.

10. He made a misplaced attempt at reconciliation.

11. To most the passion seemed oddly misplaced.

12. Fear of the electronic tsunami is misplaced.

13. Theoretically and empirically this emphasis is misplaced.

14. Yet all these caricatures are historically misplaced.

15. Her confidence in him was entirely misplaced.

16. The general's confidence in his army proved misplaced.

17. The dictionary may have been misplaced somewhere else.

18. When does holy place become wholly misplaced faith?

19. Somehow the suitcase with my clothes was misplaced.

20. I'm afraid your confidence in my abilities is misplaced.

21. Or between a misplaced modifier and a logical sentence.

22. I've misplaced my glasses they're not in my bag.

23. I realized that my trust in him was misplaced.

24. Oh dear, I seem to have misplaced the letter.

25. The Anchat who misplaced all those books also destroyed quite a few

26. She stuck with him through a misplaced sense of loyalty.

27. 4 I realized that my trust in him was misplaced.

28. A faulty immune system may fail to eliminate the misplaced cells .

29. The Castigator is the perfect offhand to the Misplaced Servo Arm

30. The archivist misplaced his shopping list inside one of the books.

31. It may be that Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner's instinctive optimism proves misplaced.

32. Nevertheless, there is absolutely no cause for misplaced hysteria on this scale.

33. Take care, Captain, misplaced courage is frequently Braggadocio; your position is desperate

34. Your trust in her is misplaced; she'll cheat you if she can.

35. On the other hand, one misplaced brushstroke can depreciate a painting’s value.

36. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

37. In any case, the anxiety about raising tuition fees in Britain is misplaced.

38. She misplaced her keys so often that her secretary used to carry spare ones for her.

39. Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit.

40. When we are angry or depressed in our Creativity, we have misplaced our power

41. The nations have misplaced their confidence by relying on their own wisdom and strength.

42. If you think deafness is funny, you've got a very misplaced sense of humour.

43. Over the years I misplaced my original copy of Bionomics purchased 20 years ago

44. Delhi : Love for nature , even if misplaced , is not Maneka Gandhi ' s sole preserve .

45. She was misplaced in that job; she ought to be doing something more creative.

46. The first allegation was that a misplaced catheter gave misleading readings of oxygen pressure.

47. The so - called Kashmiri alienation , to a great extent , cannot be attributed to a misplaced sense of nationalism .

48. A phrase exhibits proofs of Cacography, when the accents are misplaced, forgotten, or used erroneously.

49. The misplaced bonhomie, the unchecked schoolboy enthusiasm that Edward distrusted in him, was tightly reined.

50. Loaned or misplaced books will be things of the past when you use these handy Bookplates

51. 10 If you think deafness is funny,( you've got a very misplaced sense of humour.

52. Shoppers passing by don't think: I'm not going to buy them because the apostrophe is misplaced.

53. On Clutching at Straws, Marillion have a harder, more guitar dominated sound than on Misplaced Childhood

54. 18 The misplaced bonhomie, the unchecked schoolboy enthusiasm that Edward distrusted in him, was tightly reined.

55. You must've misplaced that when I kicked your arse up and down that office of yours.

56. In such a situation, I suggest, faith becomes blind, belief becomes credulous and trust becomes misplaced.

57. But if his loyalty is misplaced, it is as if his lifeline were attached to a sinking ship.

58. One is definitely erroneous pronunciation, where the accent is misplaced or the letters are given the wrong sound.

59. The Trojans wish to avenge the death of Hector; their misplaced values mean that patience in adversity is impossible.

60. (2) Even if the envelope gets misplaced, the recipient will still have the sender’s name and postal address.

61. If banks choose not to be tempted in this way then an appeal to their civic duty is misplaced.

62. The American Bouvier Rescue League (ABRL) is dedicated to finding responsible and loving homes for misplaced, neglected and unwanted Bouviers

63. Mommy turned from where she stood in the bathroom examining the bruise that circled her left eye like a Brushful of misplaced shadow

64. He misplaced a blank, signed check and did not realize this until it was returned to him in the mail.

65. The priceless tapestry was unharmed, nothing was taken off the altar, nothing was moved or misplaced that he could see.

66. To be out there Buccaneering, trading, dominating the world again…” Needless to say, Twitter was quick to mock the Tory MP for his misplaced

67. Brutha "She's Gone": Say ohhh Say ohhh Say ohhh, Feel like I lost my Heart Or misplaced my thoughts and

68. Although misplaced cell divisions can alter Blastomere fates and cause embryonic defects, cleavage patterns have been modified several times during animal evolution

69. Seemed Amiss For the love that I felt hadn't died But by cruel circumstances denied And her feelings and trust weren't misplaced Nor are they now in

70. As players of high reputation lamentably misplaced a series of straightforward, no-pressure passes, the size of his task must have become horribly apparent.

71. The witless, end-of-history triumphalism that shaped western attitudes in the post-Cold War era is nowhere more misplaced than in regard to China.

72. In my view, the argument between the Criminalizers (who see human nature as closer to the Dionysian pole) and the legalizers (who see it as more Apollonian) is misplaced

73. The sale of ride registration is a private transaction, and Brag is not responsible for misunderstandings between the two parties, misplaced credentials, or the failure to transfer the credentials into the new owner’s name

74. ‘Americans may sometimes find the prose a bit daunting, the occasional Anglicism, misplaced modifier, and passive voice requiring a thorough rereading.’ 1.1 mass noun The quality of being typically English or of favouring English things.

75. My self-worth was buried under a soul-crushing load of silence that isolated me from everyone that I cared about, and I was consumed with misplaced hatred and anger that I took out on myself.

76. In the second group of wasters are the Benumbing consequences of flawed management such as lack of planning, poor organisation of tasks, haste (!), unnecessary details and errors, misplaced perfectionism, and absence of procedures, delegation, unnecessary …

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78. Buy back (third-person singular simple present buys back, present participle buying back, simple past and past participle bought back) to purchase something already sold, misplaced, destroyed or given away Investors have already started buying back shares they had …

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