Use "misleading" in a sentence

1. Your statement is misleading.

2. Books can be misleading.

3. Would that not be misleading?

4. It's kind of misleading.

5. These statistics are misleading.

6. be false, ambiguous or misleading

7. The article contains several misleading statements.

8. Guise suggests a misleading Appearance

9. These figures are highly misleading.

10. First impressions can be misleading.

11. Her statement was deliberately misleading.

12. Misused words often generate misleading thoughts.

13. Belie: to give a misleading impression of

14. Some of the information was dangerously misleading.

15. (a) be false, ambiguous or misleading;

16. Actually the figure is quite misleading.

17. The misleading sign led me astray.

18. The misleading report veiled the facts.

19. Abusive experiences are designed to be misleading

20. Don't make false, misleading or unrealistic claims.

21. 9 The misleading sign led me astray.

22. 7 The misleading sign led me astray.

23. Belying: to give a misleading impression of

24. Adverts must not create a misleading impression.

25. Comment by TheStatman This Cauldron's name is misleading

26. –Prevention of fraudulent and misleading practices and adulteration;

27. 1 Some of the information was dangerously misleading.

28. Belied: to give a misleading impression of

29. Belies: to give a misleading impression of

30. The website of Chinar is very misleading

31. Forecasts about the economy are often misleading.

32. She was accused of deliberately misleading Parliament.

33. The ambassador called the report deceitful and misleading.

34. Ever cautious, she wanted to eliminate misleading possibilities.

35. 29 She was accused of deliberately misleading Parliament.

36. The biggest collection of Caning videos without misleading links

37. The biggest collection of Barebacking videos without misleading links

38. 17 The ambassador called the report deceitful and misleading.

39. Don't judge by appearances appearances can be misleading.

40. Calling raisins just “Currants,” however, is improper and misleading

41. The biggest collection of Bedpost videos without misleading links

42. Discernment enables you to discard irrelevant or misleading information

43. It is misleading, however, to compare nominal interest rates.

44. Their incautious use can lead to wholly misleading results.

45. The government is cracking down on misleading food labelling.

46. Such an argument is misleading, if not wholly fallacious.

47. The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.

48. Too, aerial photos, even if available, can be misleading.

49. Absolutely Prohibited Names, Misleading Names, and Obscene Names 3.

50. He is, in fact, “misleading the entire inhabited earth.”

51. 14 synonyms for Confusing: bewildering, complicated, puzzling, misleading, unclear, baffling

52. To give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent.

53. Brochures and advertisements shall be worded to avoid misleading statements.

54. But they kept visioning for you false and misleading pronouncements.

55. The instructions were not just confusing, they were positively misleading.

56. 24 It is misleading, however, to compare nominal interest rates.

57. It would be misleading to say that we were friends.

58. The expression “end of the world” is also very misleading.

59. Many critics regard this argument as dubious or, at best, misleading.

60. But the current ad campaign is misleading and counter-productive.

61. Sometimes clues can be misleading and then yield unexpected results.

62. Some of these statements are misleading and some downright mendacious.

63. The definition of a Canard is a false or misleading story

64. It is misleading to see the legal system as a monolith.

65. The Scriptures tell us that Satan is “misleading the entire inhabited earth.”

66. The Bible says that Satan is “misleading the entire inhabited earth.”

67. Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.

68. Cheating: the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery

69. Some projects require advanced statistical tools to make sense of misleading data.

70. Notice that Satan is said to be “misleading the entire inhabited earth.”

71. It involves more than making petty, misleading statements or exaggerating the facts.

72. The Minister accused of misleading parliament was unavailable for comment last night.

73. Like Satan, the demons are actively engaged in controlling and misleading people.

74. Mediaite argues that Clickbait is content which follows a fundamentally misleading headline

75. Therefore, Jønsson & Fjeldså (2006) give a rather misleading phylogeny for the group.

76. — Additives potentially misleading the consumers (e.g. colors) (amendment 30 — Article 8(1a new))

77. Satan, who knows his time is short, “is misleading the entire inhabited earth.”

78. Misleading statements by candidates for high position simply cannot be Condoned.2

79. Bond rating agencies have issued misleading ratings on companies in questionable health.

80. Prohibited Names, etc. Absolutely Prohibited Names Misleading Names Obscene Names Exercises 3.