Use "misjudge" in a sentence

1. Did we misjudge the profiles?

2. And suppose you misjudge the occasion?

3. Never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.

4. Am I inclined to have deep emotions that I could misjudge?’

5. Maybe we did misjudge the scamp about not being a soldier.

6. If he offered his help, she might misjudge him, and scream because of being scared.

7. It's easy to misjudge the speed of a car heading toward you.

8. If they really count on the Taiwanese people, they must not misjudge the situation.

9. Therefore, those who misjudge China's position in world politics will not have a correct international strategy.

10. To see China's holdings as a threat is to misjudge the goals of the Chinese government.

11. High falootin Aloofin' Has got you in it's ways And I can't let ya misjudge me that way Not that I care whatcha think of me But I hear every word that you say And I can't let ya misjudge me that way Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I can't take the blame You can find yourself a new scapegoat, but I ain't gonna play no game