Use "misidentified" in a sentence

1. Thirteen strains were misidentified by API 20A, 28 were misidentified by Minitek, and 30 were misidentified by Anaerobe-Tek.

2. Bagworms are commonly misidentified by the public

3. Remains of Plesiorycteropus have been misidentified as rodents and primates.

4. With a name meaning 'king lizard,' Basilosaurus was misidentified by early researchers as a sea-going reptile

5. Journalist and prominent UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass first suggested that the Zamora sighting was due to misidentified ball lightning.

6. Hi Chris, We are pretty certain this is a Booklouse in the order Psocoptera, but we recently misidentified a different insect thinking it was a Booklouse

7. 2 days ago · Editor's note: A previous version of this story misidentified the date the photo of the Bookmobile was taken

8. Huronensis is "one of the common large Boletes in the province and is another species misidentified for years as the European B

9. During an intra-laboratory assessment (proficiency testing) of the Anopheles funestus group multiplex PCR assay, it was noted that Anopheles arabiensis can be misidentified as

10. They are also said to be smaller than normal tigers, perhaps also due to inbreeding or because large black leopards are misidentified as black tigers.

11. Especially Accoyed when you robocalling device / service has misidentified the Calling Party Name (CPND) and Calling Party Number (ANI) ! Update your the records to display the business name