Use "mirror symmetry" in a sentence

1. 312-574 Phone Numbers 2394768684 Albumean Topological mirror symmetry

2. This equivalence provides a precise mathematical formulation of mirror symmetry in topological string theory.

3. In addition to its applications in enumerative geometry, mirror symmetry is a fundamental tool for doing calculations in string theory.

4. The theory has a geometric connection to "flat structures" (now called "Saito Frobenius manifolds"), mirror symmetry, Frobenius manifolds, and Gromov–Witten theory in algebraic geometry and various topics in mathematical physics related to string theory.

5. Paul Stephen Aspinwall (born 26.January 1964 in England) is a British theoretical physicist and mathematician, who works on string theory (including dualities, mirror symmetry, D-branes, and Calabi-Yau manifolds) and also algebraic geometry.