Use "minority control" in a sentence

1. The city had been gerrymandered so that the Protestant minority retained control.

2. Moreover, most of the existing ethnic minority units managed, with Rosenberg's assistance, to elude Vlasov's control.

3. This diagram shows all companies directly and indirectly connected to Burghnest LLC via links of control or minority shareholdings

4. This diagram shows all companies directly and indirectly connected to Breechblock RENEWABLES, LLC via links of control or minority shareholdings

5. Cannibalism as a tool of social control is exceptionally low-tech and can be effectively carried out by a small minority

6. You wanna be minority whip.

7. The Batwa: Rwanda's forgotten minority

8. They were in the minority.

9. The landlord finds a non-minority tenant and Backdates that tenant’s signature in order to claim the non-minority tenant leased the apartment before the minority applicant’s inquiry.

10. A minority-language education program offers the minority group (Anglophones in Quebec) education in their mother tongue.

11. Bad teachers are a tiny minority .

12. The critics are in the minority.

13. You are definitely among the minority.

14. Prepare to be in the minority.

15. Evidently, only a minority was disfellowshipped.

16. He belongs to a minority tribe, the Karen, and in a Buddhist land he follows a minority religion.

17. A large minority favors formal separation.

18. This actor is Bouyei ethnic minority.

19. 2 You are definitely among the minority.

20. Minority groups need more effective parliamentary representation.

21. Conditions for many minority groups have worsened.

22. The white minority political domination has gone.

23. The minority nationality concert lasted two hours.

24. It is a mandatory element of all minority education and training to develop minority culture and pass on popular knowledge

25. Many minority leaders as well as public officials in Phoenix give neighborhood development in minority neighborhoods priority over neighborhood integration.

26. It demands absolute respect for minority rights.

27. They are members of a racial minority.

28. I seem to be in the minority.

29. A small minority voted against the motion.

30. "Perceived intragroup homogeneity in minority-majority contexts".

31. Thermosets may be in the minority today.

32. Sovereigntist ideology contains a belief in an absolute state monopoly over education, educational rights, minority rights and minority religious rights

33. Albanians are the largest minority in North Macedonia

34. Men are in the minority in this profession.

35. The conference adopted a document on minority rights.

36. There was, to be sure, a minority position.

37. Only a tiny minority hold such extreme views.

38. For a minority, the decision was a disappointment.

39. Berbers - an ethnic minority descended from Berbers and Arabs and living in northern Africa Arab-Berbers ethnic minority - a group that has

40. The protesters are a small but vocal minority.

41. Gay men are a small but significant minority.

42. Texting actually overindexes for minority and urban youth.

43. Bemas (Black and Ethnic Minority Advice Service) Overview

44. 5 The minority is subordinate to the majority.

45. We are in the minority on this issue.

46. Azeris now form Georgia’s largest minority, being the only minority group to have increased its proportional share of the population since 1989

47. 25 The South Korean ruling Grand National Party is driven by factionalism and acts like a minority party despite having nearly two-thirds control of the unicameral National Assembly.

48. In 2000, 616,749 residents belonged to minority ethnicities, among which the vast majority (433,340) were Manchu, contributing 70.26 percent to the minority population.

49. Alternative Title: minority group Minority, a culturally, ethnically, or racially distinct group that Coexists with but is subordinate to a more dominant group

50. Unofficial flag representing the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland.

51. A small minority of young people does drink excessively.

52. Aggrieved minority groups are protesting against the proposed law

53. The company also sold minority stakes worth $700 million.

54. His girl friend is of the Benglong ethnic minority.

55. I used to be in the minority at work.

56. Being in a minority brings with it high visibility.

57. There, the power of the minority – especially an obstinate and logic-resistant minority like this one – is riotously out of proportion to its numbers.

58. The minority population became more vociferous in its demands.

59. In the past conservatives have been in the minority.

60. Some disenfranchised minority voters also complain of police harassment.

61. Among minority students the figures were, predictably, much lower.

62. When there is a short of a strong restriction on them, it will leads to the majority's despotic control which will do harm to the interests of the minority stockholders.

63. Those who voted affirmatively were only a tiny minority.

64. Only a minority of people support these new laws.

65. The minority leader of the Senate supported the bill.

66. Her scholarship is focused on understanding how cultural, gender and sexual minority groups Agentively mediate sociorelational conflicts—transforming minority stress into stress related growth

67. Official-language minority magazine See definition of Types of magazines.

68. This rural idyll is, however, the privilege of the minority.

69. Backwardsto recruit and then keep qualified female and minority apprentices

70. Animal remains were incorporated into a small minority of graves.

71. There is deep sensitivity over the treatment of minority groups.

72. Jumbles together the Japanese people and the minority right-winger!

73. It was a salutary experience to be in the minority.

74. Professor Chana Etengoff’s scholarship is focused on understanding how cultural, gender and sexual minority groups Agentively mediate sociorelational conflicts—transforming minority stress into stress related growth

75. Her family, of the Yazidi ethno-religious minority, were farmers.

76. The majority has become the minority in its own land.

77. 3 Some disenfranchised minority voters also complain of police harassment.

78. The Voting Rights Act was needed to empower minority groups.

79. In Romania, Croats are a national minority, numbering 6,786 people.

80. Large Bashkir minority groups also live in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan