Use "ministrations" in a sentence

1. Attentions attentivenesses guidances helpfulnesses instructions ministrations supports coddlings Cossetings pamperings

2. He recovered swiftly under the nurse's expert ministrations.

3. Attentions attentivenesses guidances helpfulnesses instructions ministrations supports coddlings Cossetings pamperings

4. During these kind ministrations, Glover felt himself to be the old stump on the lake.

5. I remember the helpless, almost childlike way he submitted himself to my ministrations.

6. Clergymen, as you are aware, dear madam, are constantly exposed to these annoyances in the course of their ministrations

7. During his last years, he frequently tried to reject the ministrations of his doctors, saying, "Sickness is the natural state of Christians."

8. In the Myth of the Minotaur , if not for the ministrations of the humble Princess Ariadne, Theseus—the Greek hero—would not have had a prayer