Use "minima" in a sentence

1. Planning minima - En-route and destination alternates

2. operating minima for departure, destination and alternate aerodromes

3. operating minima for departure, destination and alternate aerodromes;

4. Planning minima for the ETOPS en-route alternate aerodrome

5. Planning minima for an en-route alternate aerodrome

6. Planning minima for an ETOPS en-route alternate.

7. Planning minima — En-route and destination alternates — Isolated destination aerodromes

8. An interval arithmetic method is described for finding the global maxima or minima of multivariable functions.

9. New wake vortex prediction and detection devices will enable to safely reduce separation minima between aircraft;

10. (ii) Effect on minima caused by changes in the status of the ground installations and airborne equipment;

11. Bisecting K-Means algorithm can be used to avoid the local minima that K-Means can suffer from

12. VFR WEATHER CONDITIONS weather conditions equal to or above the minima prescribed in Air Regulations and ANO.

13. (d) The operator shall specify the method of determining aerodrome operating minima in the operations manual.

14. Weather minima and wind limitations must be specified for each runway and approved by the Authority

15. A person is stuck in the mountains and is trying to get down (i.e. trying to find the minima).

16. Different positions of the minima of thevan Deemter curves were due to the changed column outlet pressures.

17. Thus, the network is properly trained when the energy of states which the network should remember are local minima.

18. Other plants have more Mediterranean characteristics, such as Globularia alypum and Lavandula pubescens or the more tropical Abutilon fruticosum and Rhynchosia minima.

19. While a broadly consistent viscosity reduction of for thin Asthenospheres ( km) is found, azimuthal anisotropy misfit minima are thus predominantly sensitive to …

20. Whereas this problem is nonconvex it can be shown with the tools of affine geometry that a unique solution exists and no other local minima occur.

21. A “Circling” approach is a term used to describe the Circling minima you will find on an ILS, RNAV, VOR, LOC, BC or GPS approach

22. A signal TW is thus present which does not assume its maxima and minima across the scanning location x at the same places as the track error signal TE.

23. Note that we need to compute and analyze the second derivative to understand Concavity, so we may as well try to use the second derivative test for maxima and minima

24. Combinatorial optimization is the process of searching for maxima (or minima) of an objective function F whose domain is a discrete but large configuration space (as opposed to an N-dimensional continuous space)

25. Conformational energy searching is used to find all of the energetically preferred Conformations of a molecule (especially rotamers), which is mathematically equivalent to locating all of the minima of its energy function.

26. (b) The use of a head-up display (HUD), head-up guidance landing system (HUDLS) or enhanced vision system (EVS) may allow operations with lower visibilities than the established aerodrome operating minima if approved in accordance with SPA.LVO.

27. The take-off minima must be selected to ensure sufficient guidance to control the aeroplane in the event of both a discontinued take-off in adverse circumstances and a continued take-off after failure of the critical power unit

28. Agalinis gattingeri Agalinis skinneriana Ammannia robusta Geum peckii Balsamorhiza deltoidea Buchnera americana Braya longii Cimicifuga elata Trichophorum planifolium Lespedeza virginica Ranunculus alismaefolius var. alismaefolius Opuntia humifusa Coreopsis rosea Cryptantha minima Adiantum capillus-veneris Gentiana alba Panax quinquefolius Tephrosia virginiana

29. Incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut Aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et …

30. Bestriding recoller pylsa nipple shield meier ring topology Atanan dnes jurysta abnormis osoliti jam plate Francophobe go-sutedi-daj pustinjak gmach pars minima est ipsa puella sui to be admitted weranda place 健気 Luan county in Hebei efektivna izracena snaga kratke antene Just In Time; right on time (Internet slang); type of compiler that