Use "mind-set" in a sentence

1. What a protection such a mind-set is against irrational actions!

2. The mind-set of that family is spiritual (but not self-righteous).

3. You have a give with a mind set of non - judgmental expectation.

4. The anti-progress mind-set was by then familiar ground for liberals.

5. How can you keep a perfectionist mind-set from taking over your life?

6. The trap in both instances is the "my job/your job" mind-set.

7. Of course, leaders within organizations bear some of the blame for this mind-set.

8. Can we expect a man with this disheveled mind-set to perform his duty well?"

9. Marketing traditionally has been an Achilles' heel for phone companies because of their monopoly mind-set.

10. Carnality » The carnal mind Romans 8:6-7 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so,

11. I hate to say it, but that mind-set won't make you very popular with women.

12. What never changed during the Depression and the Second World War was Keynes's positive mind-set.

13. This subtle shift in mind-set appears to bemore conducive to long-term health and weight loss.

14. I mean, I know Christopher's got his mind set on Madrid, but all those enchiladas, I get gassy.

15. Given all made the same mistake, this was no mere semantic mix-up – it reflects a mind-set.

16. But even if it does, shaving 10 or 20 percent off certain products doesn't create a different mind-set.

17. Let her know that style is more a matter of contemporary mind-set and rules than of personal taste.

18. Even if you can't get your mate on board for therapy, you can adjust your mind-set, says Smith.

19. Stalin excused the appalling conduct of his troops and encouraged an official mind-set that allowed the rapes to continue.

20. But they offer a revealing — and appalling — look at the mind-set of one of our two major political parties.

21. No wonder they were now paying consultants to figure out how to fix the environment which that mind-set had created.

22. The modern athlete's mind-set is, "I'm going to make as much as I can now and not worry about the future."

23. An open mind-set keeps encouraging Syrinx Brass and String Quintet to try a ranging of works varied from periods , countries and styles.

24. The Vision of the Anointed is a devastating critique of the mind-set behind the failed social policies of the past thirty years

25. We normally start with the mind-set of only spending 30 minutes on something, but we don't actually STOP after that time limit.

26. Perlstein says that this mind-set stayed with Nixon ("a serial collector of resentments") throughout his life and was the essence of his worldview.

27. This not only makes it easier to make the leap when the time is right, it also gets you into a career-change mind-set.

28. How can those with such a mind-set be motivated to take a personal interest in their work —let alone find satisfaction in their job?

29. Forensic Criminologists also try to understand the mind-set of the criminal when the crime took place along with the behavior and condition of the victim

30. What does Commitment mean in business? These definitions essentially have the same meaning, namely that Commitment is a stabilising or binding force (mind-set), which directs behaviour

31. Those having their mind set on the accumulation of riches are building on a foundation that is crumbling because they are supposing that money will always have value.

32. But the acceptance of the theory of evolution, this brutal struggle- for- existence mind- set, this survival- of- the- fittest idea, has not served to improve man’s lot.

33. Author of "A Most Immoral Woman," a love and lust story set in China and Japan in 190 Jaivin believes this mind-set mirrors the changes in Chinese society.

34. Backfired is interesting in that it shows Christian ethics and mind set to accommodate and love neighbors and others not just like us and how that can be used against us in in-tolerance.

35. In her book Stop Smiling, Start Kvetching, Held wages war against the "tyranny of the positive attitude," the put-on-a-happy-face mind-set, which she believes holds too much sway in American culture.

36. In a certain ideological mind-set , Israel is perceived not as a political entity, susceptible to prevailing standards of judgment, but as an almost allegorical force, the symbolic center and source of the globe’s evils and ailments.

37. ‘In economic policies they would eventually adopt a platform of militant Corporatism and economic nationalism.’ ‘The new economy, the mantra went, would celebrate individuality, workplace democracy and creativity over the old economy mind-set that put a premium on the organisation man, Corporatism …

38. Pronounced [ Dee Jay Al-EE-Yay ] Spun a Full 24 Hour Set Live on Twitch on August 14, 2020 Living out my vocation of nurturing others through my creativity as a DJ & Mind-Set Coach Find all my DJ links at:

39. Innovations are shoehorned into the predominant “Diagnostic OD” mind-set that is based on the foundational OD frameworks established in the 1960s and 1970s (Bushe & Marshak, 2009).In offering the image of Dialogic OD, we intend to create a space where a conversation can take place about the nature of organizations and organizing, about the nature of change processes and change agentry, …