Use "mimicry" in a sentence

1. (In zoology,Automimicry,Browerian mimicry, orintraspecific mimicry, is a …

2. A Master of Mimicry

3. In zoology, Automimicry, Browerian mimicry, or intraspecific mimicry, is a form of mimicry in which the same species of animal is imitated

4. Apery definition, apish behavior; mimicry

5. Aping (plural Apings) Foolish imitation or mimicry

6. Language learning usually necessitates conscious mimicry.

7. 2 synonyms for Aping: imitation, mimicry

8. 1 Parrots specialize in vocal mimicry.

9. Automimicry or intraspecific mimicry occurs within a single species

10. As a noun Aping is foolish imitation or mimicry.

11. Aggressive mimicry Coexists with mutualism in an aphid.

12. ARTHUR PLAiFAIR, in his Betined Mimicry.-EVBRTr AFTERNOON

13. Apery definition is - the act or practice of aping : mimicry.

14. Cacodaemon Mimicry Demons of Bad Luck and Manipulations Capabilities

15. His friends enjoyed his flights into foreign accents and mimicry.

16. However, engineers have recently taken this mimicry to new heights.

17. One of his few strengths was his skill at mimicry.

18. We are drawn to mimicry and disturbed by it too.

19. Apery definition: imitative behaviour; mimicry Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

20. I've seen the vocal mimicry in Lao She's Tea House.

21. The game the mimicry an item in the Olympics do.

22. Meldola himself was much interested in protective colouring and mimicry of moths.

23. Another physiological hypothesis is known as non-conscious mimicry, or the chameleon effect.

24. A popular theory about the causes of Autoimmunity is the molecular mimicry theory

25. Mimicry can also be a great way preen, or learn, or make a new friend.

26. The individuality, immediacy and mimicry in computer games satisfy the needs from these people.

27. However, in Naipaul's works, the reader can find that the mimicry is very ridiculous and impractical.

28. Within another year the boy's gift for mimicry had become slave row's favorite entertainment.

29. Synonyms for Aperies include mimicry, imitation, impersonation, impressions, parodies, caricatures, copying, mockery, apings and burlesque

30. The idea is a fresh twist on the well - established phenomenon of mimicry among animals.

31. Satin Bowerbirds have an amazing variety of sounds, including whistles, buzzing and hissing, as well as mimicry.

32. Ramsey lost neither his sense of humour nor his power of mimicry when he became an ordinand.

33. So all it takes is a little expert instruction, good eye-hand coordination and a flair for mimicry?

34. Designing an experiment to examine aposematic Coloration and mimicry in Scarlett King snakes and Coral snakes

35. The molecular mimicry model proposes that the tip of domain IV mimics the Anticodon loop of tRNA

36. From landing lights to mimicry: the molecular regulation of flower Colouration and mechanisms for pigmentation patterning Funct Plant Biol

37. Mimicry can also be a great way preen, or learn(Sentence dictionary), or make a new friend.

38. This snake-mimicry is employed by many species, from the familiar domestic cat to less familiar finches.

39. This is not simple mimicry,(sentence dictionary) which would only entail being the same bright colour as a distasteful species.

40. Dolphins have a remarkable capacity for vocal mimicry, and they learn to imitate sounds very accurately and quickly.

41. This is not simple mimicry, which would only entail being the same bright colour as a distasteful species.

42. The idea of molecular mimicry arose in the context of Rheumatic Fever, which follows infection with Group A beta-haemolytic streptococci.

43. Similarly, mimicry of the expressions, stance and actions of a truly violent encounter can represent an intention or threat.

44. The Automimicry (also known as intraspecific mimicry) is a special case of mimicry that takes place when an organism transforms some part of its body in order to seems like another part of its own body or even of the body of another member of its species (e.g

45. Automimicry Automimicry or intraspecific mimicry occurs within a single species, where an animal mimics parts of its own body

46. The network marketing system is the competition ability of the hard mimicry of the company with can obtain income of immaterial assets.

47. The final multifaceted perfection of mimicry has been put together by the summed natural selection provided by many different species of predators.

48. And you will soon see, as I have, that there are fantastical creatures living among us, hidden through mimicry and magic.

49. The Automimicry (also known as intraspecific mimicry) is a special case of mimicry that takes place when an organism transforms some part of its body in order to seems like another part of its own body or even of the body of another member of its species (e.g

50. Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. Oscar Wilde 

51. Acting is generally agreed to be a matter less of mimicry, exhibitionism, or imitation than of the ability to react to imaginary

52. Just as watching someone yawn can induce the behavior in yourself , recent evidence suggests that laughter is a social cue for mimicry .

53. Mimicry is a type of physical Adaptation in which a plant or animal looks a lot like another animal or even an object

54. Arthemis astyanax (the red-spotted purple) and its model Battus philenor (the pipevine swallowtail) has led to a Batesian mimicry polymorphism within the L

55. The aping apes of Poe and Wright: race, Animality, and mimicry in The murders in the rue morgue and Native son New Lit Hist

56. Automimicry. Automimicry - type of mimicry where one part of an animal resembles another part, and this adaptation is believed to help protect it from predation

57. Mimicry "may have adaptive value, " the Dutch team concluded, "enhancing the chances of successful procreation of those members of a species who adopt this specific behavior."

58. Although the male-like females have an overall lower birth rate than other females, they do still mate and reproduce, maintaining the mimicry in the damselfly population.

59. Apish References in periodicals archive ? Far from denoting an innovation in style, "personation"--as opposed to Apishness or mimicry--positions the critiquing actor against his rivals.

60. In conjunction with this mimicry, the development of plastic neural circuits that support complex, learned vocalizations was probably a significant factor in the evolution of Conventionalized semantics in our species.

61. When your kid Clonks another kid over the head in imitation of a cartoon character, you’re witnessing mimicry, or short-term impact — another effect of viewing violence

62. 27 Mimicry "may have adaptive value, " the Dutch team concluded, "enhancing the chances of successful procreation of those members of a species who adopt this specific behavior."

63. South American giant cockroaches of the genus Lucihormetica were believed to be the first known example of defensive mimicry, emitting light in imitation of bioluminescent, poisonous click beetles.

64. In mimicry: Cuckoos …cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a brood parasite; i.e., it lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, which act as foster parents for the young Cuckoos

65. Definition of Automimicry. 1 : mimicry occurring between members of the same species In Automimicry, both the model and the mimic exist within a given species; usually one sex exhibits a …

66. Examples of Structural Adaptations: Protective coloration (Camouflage) Allows an animal to blend in its environment; Makes it more difficult to be seen by enemies (greater chance of survival) Example: Snakes; Mimicry

67. Its wingspan ranges from 82 to 92 mm, and it is colored orange (brighter in male specimens) with black markings; this species is somewhat unpalatable to birds and belongs to the "orange" Batesian mimicry complex.

68. So with a blind eye toward our own mimicry, and propelled by faith in markets and ownership, intellectual property swelled beyond its original scope with broader interpretations of existing laws, new legislation, new realms of coverage and alluring rewards.

69. This is why many wild animal species have developed different ways of animal Camouflage throughout evolution.Ways of animal mimicry differ depending mostly on three factors: the physiology and behavior of the animal, then those of the predator and the environment, in

70. ‘The Cutesy, mincing vocals are dotted with ill-advised wailing and occasional outright mimicry of dudes like Beck.’ ‘It sounds really corporate, but just think about it for a minute - if you were building a site about hamsters, then you might do something kind of Cutesy.’

71. The Throwing MAdonna: Essays on the Brain (McGraw-Hill 1983, Bantam 1991) is a group of 17 essays: The Throwing MAdonna; The Lovable Cat: Mimicry Strikes Again; Woman the Toolmaker?Did Throwing Stones Lead to Bigger Brains? The Ratchets of Social Evolution; The Computer as Metaphor in Neurobiology; Last Year in Jerusalem; Computing Without Nerve Impulses; Aplysia, the Hare of the …

72. A man named Rigdum Funnidos is given credit for a number of the issues of the Comic Almanack, but who was he?Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable lists Funnidos as “A quick, active, intrepid little fellow, … full of fun and merriment, … all over quaintness and humorous mimicry, ….”Sir Walter Scott gave the name to his publisher, John Ballantyne, after a character in Henry Cary