Use "military ombudsman" in a sentence

1. • Construction work can be perilous • Military ombudsman now accepting nominations for Special Recognition Award

2. The functions of the Minority Ombudsman comprise a scope more extensive than that of the Foreigners' Ombudsman

3. A pensions ombudsman has been appointed.

4. I accept the submission for the ombudsman.

5. What ca n ' t the Ombudsman investigate ?

6. For example, the proposal for an ombudsman is sensible.

7. Section VIII: European Ombudsman and European Data-protection Supervisor

8. The ombudsman has no power to order compensation for example.

9. 18 The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.

10. The Police Ombudsman investigates all cases where AEPs are discharged.

11. The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.

12. A little thank you to the Ombudsman would not go amiss. --------------------.

13. • A little thank you to the Ombudsman would not go Amiss

14. There is also to be a pensions ombudsman with statutory backing.

15. Bank Ombudsman Laurence Shurman revealed complaints had rocketed to 000 in 1991-

16. The Ombudsman has access to all records concerning staff, except medical records

17. Complaints to the Banking Ombudsman grew by 50 per cent last year.

18. duplication of other existing mechanisms (the Ombudsman, the a posteriori judicial review, etc.),

19. Against this background, the European Ombudsman did not consider any further inquiries justified.

20. egarding the author's claim with respect to the Ombudsman, the State party explains that the author made two complaints in writing to the Ombudsman about the handling of his case by the ADB

21. Sometimes exgratia payments are made as a result of a recommendation of an ombudsman.

22. The proposal, from Detroit's ombudsman, has caused outrage - and a certain amount of thought.

23. After the Ombudsman intervened in the case, it agreed to pay the outstanding sum.

24. Others have an assistant managing editor or an assistantsenior editor act as an ombudsman.

25. This has alarmed the Local Government Ombudsman who would like powers to investigate persistent offenders.

26. And this week the Financial Ombudsman Service set out how savers might claim compensation.

27. The bill creates a Legal Services Ombudsman to oversee complaints against solicitors and barristers.

28. The Constitutional Act on the Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsman) of Azerbaijan was adopted on # ecember

29. · Articles 5 (a) and 6 by the ADB, the EOT, the Ombudsman and the LAC.

30. MST, MST Coordinators, military sexual trauma statistics, military sexual trauma disability rating, military sexual trauma definition, military sexual trauma compensation, military sexual trauma treatment, military sexual trauma policy, military sexual trauma training, military sexual trauma stories, military sexual trauma story

31. Clockwise is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the Financial Ombudsman Service and ABCUL.

32. (e) Identifying good practices in the activities of the ombudsman offices in the United Nations system;

33. The behaviour of the Ministry was illegal and has been condemned by the Parliamentary ombudsman.

34. Clockwise is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the Financial Ombudsman Service and ABCUL.

35. The Ombudsman monitored the image of women as portrayed in the media and advertising, as well.

36. Clockwise is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the Financial Ombudsman Service and ABCUL

37. Also new is the provision for a Conveyancing Ombudsman to investigate complaints against lenders doing conveyancing.

38. [16] Mr. Rankin states that the response he received from the Air Canada Ombudsman was unacceptable.

39. New laws had been adopted concerning the independence of court budgets and appointment of an Ombudsman.

40. Can an ombudsman serve the public interest as opposed to the institutional interests of his paper?

41. In addition, the Court requested the Ombudsman to reimburse the Social Insurance Agency for court fees.

42. Only when they have reached stalemate with the bank will the ombudsman then consider a claim.

43. (Military) military Armoured fighting vehicles in general; military units equipped with these

44. Military Aviatrices honored Military Aviatrices honored

45. Decision of the European Ombudsman on own-initiative inquiry OI/5/2003/IJH against the European Commission

46. * related costs under chapter 10 calculated by analogy with the DB 2002 figures for the European Ombudsman.

47. And the Financial Ombudsman Service this week published a briefing note for firms handling endowment mortgage complaints.

48. I do not think that anything would be gained by having an ombudsman to handle those problems.

49. The Ombudsman will pursue his inquiry into the complaint against OLAF by requesting further information from OLAF.

50. Making a complaint to the Ombudsman does not extend the deadlines for lodging administrative complaints or judicial appeals.

51. Any complaint made to the Ombudsman must be brought within 12 months of the event / omission complained of .

52. If you are still not satisfied with our response you can take your complaint to the Banking Ombudsman.

53. Ombudsman: Third parties - neighbours etal - can not appeal to the DoE if they disagree with a planning decision.

54. Our enquires staff will be able to answer any questions you may have about the Ombudsman ' s work .

55. After careful consideration of the Commission's opinion and of the complainant's observations the Ombudsman addressed the Commission again.

56. The council was planned to function as an ombudsman of Islamic activity concerning educational, economic and foreign policy matters.

57. The Ombudsman agreed that the way the German company had submitted its bid did not comply with the rules.

58. He points out that customers must first complain to the Tessa provider before lodging a claim with the ombudsman.

59. On October 7, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (Ombudsman) hosted a public webinar to discuss USCIS’ Processing of Concurrently Pending Forms N-400 (Application for Naturalization) and Forms I-751 (Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence)

60. As part of the new consumer protection arrangements, a Pensions Ombudsman with wide-ranging powers has recently been appointed.

61. • Local inspectors of schools will be Answerable to the Inspectorate, which will also have a new role as Education Ombudsman

62. Roman Military Equipment Back to Mainpage Roman Military Mainpage Roman Military Equipment Sword Belt / Cingulum / Balteus


64. Military trained.

65. Military training.

66. Also in 2012, the national human rights centre started to work as an adjunct to the Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsman.

67. A foreigner living in a Swedish village wrote to the Ombudsman complaining that he had been ill-treated by the police.

68. The ombudsman will have power to recommend that a lawyer or professional body pay compensation, but not to compel payment.

69. Ex-military.

70. Military secret.

71. Military Zone!

72. Note 4 For the purposes of ML10.a., military use includes: combat, military reconnaissance, assault, military training, logistics support, and transporting and airdropping troops or military equipment.

73. The Government would be well advised to look constructively and positively at the suggestion that there should be an ombudsman.

74. Reference designs to the military ranks system of the French military.

75. When you hear Babangida, you remember the military and military coups.

76. In the wake of that event, Guatemala's human rights ombudsman, Ramiro de León Carpio, succeeded as president, according to the constitution.

77. Ombudsman Pat Thomas investigated eight complaints in connection with the provision of equipment and adaptations to the homes of disabled people.

78. I'm ex-military.

79. Ambif Documentation Recommendation Board Financial ADR・Ombudsman Capital Markets Association for Asia ♦ ABMI ABMF & Ambif ♦ ABMF Meetings *Contact.

80. Senior Military Advisor