Use "military geology" in a sentence

1. 1; noun Areology (astronomy, geology) The scientific observation and study of the planet Mars's geology; geology of Mars

2. Areology meaning (astronomy, geology) The scientific observation and study of the planet Mars 's geology; geology of Mars.

3. Areology (uncountable) (astronomy, geology) The scientific observation and study of the planet Mars 's geology; geology of Mars.

4. Palaeontology , historical geology and stratigraphy are different subjects of geology.

5. Crust (geology) In geology, a Crust is the outermost layer of a planet

6. Paleontology , geology , zoology, and ethnology.

7. The "China Geology" and "Introduction to geomechanics", "geological earthquake", "astronomy, geology, paleontology , " and so on.

8. 1925: Edmonds reports Piltdown geology error.

9. So this was never about geology.

10. What does Aseismic mean? (geology) Seismic inactivity

11. Is that allogenicis (geology) formed in another location and transported while Authigenicis (geology) generated where it is found or observed

12. Bacillite, in geology, a type of crystallite


14. We certainly have enough time in geology.

15. The Earth, An Introduction to Physical Geology.

16. Collect dinosaur fossils and skeletons , paleontology, and geology.

17. 2 words related to Azoic: geology, early

18. We went on a geology field trip.

19. Geology of or relating to a batholith .

20. Bacillite — in geology, a type of crystallite (q.v.)

21. He was later Lecturer on Geology and Physiology at Dulwich College and Professor of Geology and Mineralogy at King's College London (1896–1905).

22. Cummingtonite is part of WikiProject Geology, an attempt at creating a standardized, informative, comprehensive and easy-to-use geology resource

23. It is a problem that relates to geology.

24. The study of regional crustal stability is considered as a branch between engineering geology and the closely allied geomechanics as well as structural geology.

25. Astrobiology encompasses areas of biology, astronomy, and geology

26. Synonyms: meandrine (biology, geology), obvolute, torquated, tortuous Antonym: unConvoluted

27. Bleeker, in Encyclopedia of Geology, 2005 The Archaean Cratons

28. Catalogue of Cainozoic plants in the Department of Geology

29. The Journal of Geology by University of Chicago Department of Geology and Paleontology (1905) "4 shows the Alations on both sides of the tooth

30. The book is a useful introduction to British geology.

31. Unity in his mind of architecture, music, astronomy, geology.

32. Key words: varved clay, activity, carbonate, turbidity currents, glacial geology.

33. His work helped to establish the basis of modern geology.

34. Beyond Plate Tectonics: What Do We Do in Structural Geology?

35. The students went to study the geology of that region.

36. Using fossils to tell geological time, Biostratigraphy balances biology with geology

37. 3 Under the comprehensive influence of geology, landform, hydrology, meteorology, agrology, and vegetation the debris flow is a result of environmental deterioration in geology and ecology.

38. In 19 he won First Prize of scientific and technological achievements, Geology and Minerals Ministry for lead editing "Coal Geology Progress" and "Coal Metamorphism of China".

39. They also agreed to cooperate in seismology, geology and Antarctic sciences.

40. Mineralogy, Contaminant Transport, Environmental Geology, Nanoparticles, Mineral-Bacteria Interactions, Archaeogeology.

41. Key words: riverbanks, damsite geology, geomorphology, airphoto interpretation, remote sensing.

42. Geology 12 - Formation of Anticlines and synclines demonstrated using plastercine.

43. Incorporated in 1997, Applied Geology and Environmental Science (Ages), Inc

44. 20 Hoffman possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of Precambrian continental geology.

45. MST, MST Coordinators, military sexual trauma statistics, military sexual trauma disability rating, military sexual trauma definition, military sexual trauma compensation, military sexual trauma treatment, military sexual trauma policy, military sexual trauma training, military sexual trauma stories, military sexual trauma story

46. Continental crust (in geology) Rock that underlies most of Earth’s Continents

47. Alen does research in Geomorphology, Geography, Tectonic Geology, Ecotourism and Geoecology

48. Between 1910 and 1913 he lectured on economic geology at Cambridge.

49. Geomorphology has now achieved full stature as a branch of geology.

50. Continent (in geology) The huge land masses that sit upon tectonic plates

51. The team will survey its actual position, its elevation - and its geology.

52. Filled with zeal for science, he studied catastrophist geology with Adam Sedgwick.

53. Anastomosing meaning (geology) Networked into irregularly branching and reconnecting veins of ore.

54. From 1830 to 1833 his multi-volume Principles of Geology was published.

55. He wrote extensively on astronomy, biology, chemistry, zoology, physics, geology, and psychology.

56. In his lecture on geology, he touched on the subject of climate.

57. Enrollment in introductory geology courses has increased greatly in the past decade.

58. Saint Petersburg's unforgiving geology has frequently hampered attempts by Metro builders.

59. The contemporary and technology is permeating into geology, making it modernized.

60. What does Authigenic mean? (geology) Generated where it is found or observed

61. Alternant: Alternating; specifically, in geology , composed of alternate layers, as some rocks.

62. Thus paleontology, the study of ancient life, took its place beside geology.

63. This is not a treatise on geology, biology, or any other science.

64. Anticline: see foldfold, in geology, bent or deformed arrangement of stratified rocks

65. Amygdale ( plural Amygdales ) ( geology) An almond -shaped inclusion in igneous rock or lava

66. Most students who enroll in geology courses do not intend to become geologists.

67. Thus the vast age of the Earth became the central tenet of geology.

68. (Military) military Armoured fighting vehicles in general; military units equipped with these

69. Military Aviatrices honored Military Aviatrices honored

70. This Argentiferous galena comes from the University of Utah, Geology Departments old collection

71. Climatology is an interdisciplinary science of meteorology, geography, geology, oceanography, and physics

72. Earth and space sciences such as: aeronautics, astronomy, geology, geophysics, oceanography, etc.

73. How, then, do we explore the geology of our twin sister planet?

74. The reason has just as much to do with geopolitics as geology.

75. In contextgeologylang=en terms the difference between Allogenic and authigenic is that Allogenic is (geology) formed in another location and transported while authigenic is (geology) generated where it is found or observed

76. Geology here passes over the continuation of the history of man to Archeology.

77. Absarokite-Shoshonite-Banakite Series is an article from The Journal of Geology, Volume 3

78. It is general that, in geology at least, women use their own names professionally.

79. What does Brecciation mean? (geology) The formation of breccia such as by external shock

80. Orientation technology has been applied into many fields such as archeology and geology.