Use "military camp" in a sentence

1. That happened in a military camp in Corinth, Greece, in 1952.

2. In 1585 King Naresuan the Great set his military camp in the area.

3. In the 17th century one of the areas of present Praga-South was turned into a military camp.

4. " A senior adviser to Mali's interior minister says the country's president is safe and seeking refuge in a military camp after mutinous soldiers launched a coup... the adviser said he was at a military camp where forces are still loyal to him. "

5. Early explorers believed the ancient ruins to have been a Roman military camp, because of their size and numerous towers.

6. Evidence suggests that the Presidential Guard at the stadium came there from the Alpha Yaya Diallo military camp where Camara is based.

7. He explained how a few days after the theft, he saw and photographed the stolen goods being sold in a shop just outside the Alpha Yaya Diallo military camp: