Use "military advisor" in a sentence

1. Senior Military Advisor

2. He married a woman from Amboina and became a military advisor to the Sultan of Ternate, Bayan Sirrullah.

3. The Chinese Red Army was commanded by a three-man committee, which included Wang Ming's associates Otto Braun (the Comintern military advisor), Bo Gu and Zhou Enlai.

4. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) is the highest-ranking and most senior military officer in the United States Armed Forces and is the principal military advisor to the president, the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council, and the secretary of defense

5. ‘During his Commandership the relations between the Albanian Authorities and NATO headquarters have been excellent ones, especially in the military domain.’ ‘Apart from holding several senior staff appointments and Commanderships, he was Chief of the Defence Staff and the Principal Military Advisor to two prime ministers and three