Use "milch" in a sentence

1. Milch cow industry is one of important part of dairy industry, including breeding milch cow , raising milch cow , preventing and cure of the epidemic disease and milk production.

2. A good milch goat should have a long , deep and wedge - shaped body .

3. Though much advanced and modern in many respects , they are not interested either in milk or milch animals .

4. Regularity in feeding , grazing and milking nowhere pays better dividends than in the case of milch animals .

5. A sire , whose dam is a poor milker , should not be used as a stud for milch goats .

6. The author went from from a condemning Avengeful God to a milch toast, permissive parent who forgives all offenses

7. Bihar government records put animal deaths in the State at 192; it announced compensation of ₹30,000 for the loss of every milch cow and buffalo and ₹3,000 for a goat.

8. About one hour before sunrise on 19 April, one of Tripoli's Avengers made radar contact with a German U-boat as the submarine cruised on the surface awaiting the arrival of her "Milch Cow" or refuelling partner.